FHC Inspires Q&As 2022: Saniya Mishra

Name: Saniya Mishra

Position: Speaker

TED Talk Title: 10,000 Hours

Why did you apply to be a speaker?

“I applied to be a speaker because I want to share something I found interesting, and to possibly have an impact on so many people all at once is inspiring itself.”

How are you feeling about speaking at FHC Inspires?

“I’m really excited to speak at FHC Inspires. It’s going to be such a cool experience.”

What was the process of picking the perfect TedTalk topic?

“I didn’t really know what to choose, but I remembered reading this really interesting book last year in [AP Statistics] called Outliers, so I decided to take something from that and share it with others.”

What does your message mean to you?

“My TED Talk is about how it takes 10,000 hours to master something, but I give my message in an inspiring manner because it really is uplifting to realize that time and dedication can take you far.”

Who is your target audience?

“My target audience is really everyone since my topic revolves around passions and skills.”

Did you ever see yourself speaking at FHC Inspires?

“After watching the TED Talks last year and seeing their confident speeches, I knew it was something I wanted to do too.”

What are you doing to prepare for the big night?

“I’m practicing by myself and in front of others to perfect my delivery.”

How does your Google Slide presentation reflect your topic? 

“It adds to my speech by showing pictures of my friends and the other examples I use.”

What’s a mobile game you’re currently hooked on?

“I don’t have any mobile games right now, but of internet games in general, Semantle’s my favorite.”

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