FHC Inspires Q&As: Letizia Cumbo-Nacheli

Name: Letizia “Tz” Cumbo-Nacheli

Position: Speaker

TED Talk title: Why do I care so much?

How are you feeling about FHC Inspires?

“Regarding speaking at FHC, I’m feeling nervous, but good. Surprisingly, public speaking is a little intimidating for me even though I would say I’m extremely talkative.”

What was the process of picking the perfect TED Talk topic?

“The process of picking the ‘perfect’ topic was difficult but extremely fun. Talking to Mr. George had helped me a lot because he truly makes you think deeply and question yourself in a good way. To be completely honest, I still don’t have a title that fully encapsulates my TED Talk.”

What does your message mean to you?

“My message means the world to me. It is extremely emotional and a tough topic to talk about. It comes from a sensitive but passionate place in my heart.”

Who is your target audience?

“My target audience are the people who have gone through something similar, people who are struggling, or people who believe that they are alone. I want my message to get across to them; they are not alone and their feelings are valid.”

Did you ever see yourself speaking at FHC Inspires?

“When I saw the posters at the beginning of the year, I knew immediately that I wanted to be a part of this. During my TED Talk, I was shaky and wasn’t so sure. After talking to a good friend, she told me it was a once in a lifetime opportunity, and those words sparked something bigger than myself. I realized that I had the chance of impacting someone’s life just by submitting my application.”

What are you doing to prepare for the big night?

“I am doing run throughs, run throughs, and more run throughs. The night before FHC Inspires, I am going to have my outfit and hairstyle set. Along with that, friends and family play a huge role in my preparations because my courage comes from them.”

How does your Google Slide presentation reflect your topic?

“My Google Slide presentation reflects my topic because it shows real life photos and situations that I have been in, which adds more emphasis behind my talkā€”it adds reality.”

What’s a mobile game you’re currently hooked on?

“I’m hooked on Disco Zoo, Dragon City, and every type of Wordle. I can’t go a day without those games.”

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