TCT’s The Countless Thanks 2022: Ella Peirce

To my friends-

Thank you, Elle Manning. You’ve been there for me since kindergarten, and I hope that never changes. You’re always the first person I tell things to, and the last person to forget embarrassing stuff about me. Writing this is reminding me of when Mr. Deboer had us make those Thanksgiving letters and we wrote them to each other, but this is more one-sided. I already said you’ve always been there for me, but I really do mean it. Through rough patches and the most joy-filled nights, you stay consistent and I genuinely don’t know how I’d survive without you. I cannot put into words how much I appreciate you. Thank you to the rest of the #girlbosses group chat. I know it’s ironic, but we really need to change the group chat name. Maggie Holt, thank you for always being yourself. Never change. Even when we haven’t talked in a while, I know I can rely on you for an enjoyable conversation. Chloe Cox, thank you for always getting it. I don’t quite know how to word this, but even in first hour, when my ramblings are incoherent to most, you seem to understand exactly what I mean. Victoria Chiaburu, thank you for ingraining the sound of your laugh into my mind. Your smile lights up the room, and I love it. Mady Scarlato, thank you for always getting straight to the point. I admire your unwavering honesty and adoration of Taylor Swift, which is a shared trait between us. Allison Meny, thank you for always giving me cheerios. I envy how kind you are to everyone around you, and you’re my favorite. Lastly, thank you to everyone I didn’t mention. Even if I didn’t say your name, I appreciate you all so much. 

To figure skating-

I can’t imagine a life where I’m not skating. It’s my favorite thing in the entire world, and no matter how hard I fall, this sport has taught me how to get up. Thank you, Alyssa Benitez. The memories I have of us running around the rink, FaceTiming, doing hideous crafts, and panicking before competitions, are truly endless. I love our tea times and spending more time talking by the boards than actually skating. You’ve seen me at my worst and watched me skate my best, and I’m eternally thankful that you’re the one I’ve gotten to grow with as a skater and as a person. Thank you, Keelie Cooper. I wouldn’t want to spend my spring breaks anywhere else but in Florida. I hope your vibrant personality is never diminished. I love your Lululemon obsession, how you fearlessly rock your curlers before you compete, and trying drinks from Bad A** Coffee with you. Thank you for simply being you, stay optimistic. Thank you to the girls who make the rink my second home. Ellie Foster, thank you for having a great sense of humor and for letting me share my Duolingo milestones with you for gems. Ellison Durkin, thank you for brightening everyone’s day just with your presence. I love your sense of style, you always seem to be one step ahead of what’s trending. Bryn Sapp, thanks for our end-of-lunch chats. Although I usually leave early, when I don’t Alyssa and I enjoy hearing about the latest happenings in your life. Caroline Foster, thank you for being relatable. I love how you’re seemingly always cold and always tired because I am too. Ellery Vogel, thank you for your kindness on and off the ice. To be honest, on the ice it’s a little much. I was in your way, not the other way around! All jokes aside, lefties for life. Thank you to all the other wonderful people in the Greater Grand Rapids Skating Club I see every day, you’re the ones who make this sport so special to me.

To volleyball-

It’s only been three years, and this sport has already given me so many great memories and friendships. Thank you to all the amazing people I’ve met and grown close with over this shared love for volleyball. Emmy Norton, thank you for being my Swiftie bestie. There’s nobody else I’d rather completely freak out over Taylor Swift with because you get the feeling all too well. As often as I may accidentally completely shank a pass while peppering, I know that you’ll still be my partner. Salt and pepper forever. Raegan Price, I sincerely admire your perseverance and the hard work you’ve put into the sport. I love seeing you in the hallway a few times a day and appreciate your bravery in going in the front during The Haunt. Thank you for being positive even in tough times. Thank you to all my teammates this past school season. We can all agree we grew so much as volleyball players and I loved getting to know you all better. 

To my family-

Thanks for always supporting me no matter what. Mom, thanks for the endless Starbucks trips, never pressuring me academically, and always being willing to watch ‘one more’ episode with me of whatever show I’m binging. Dad, thanks for always ‘hyping me up’ and letting me kick you off the television. Emily, thanks for giving me superior music taste and teaching me how to play video games. Kyle, thanks for sending me unexpected Game Pigeon and riding Rock ‘n’ Roller Coaster with me a few too many times.

To the “please edit this” group chat-

Thank you, Addie, Ellerie, and Evelyn. Thank you guys for always editing my stories and giving me an extra confidence boost (or being very blunt) when needed. I love how we’ve bonded over the stress this class brings, and just know I am always here if you need an editor before 2:45 pm.

To all of TCT-

Thank you, to everyone in room 139 at the end of the day. No matter how awful or extraordinary my day has been, the delightful environment you all create in sixth hour is enough to calm whatever is spiraling in my mind. Mr. George, TCT Staff, WFP, thank you.

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