Payton Corcoran – Class of 2020 Treasurer

Name: Payton Corcoran

Grade: Sophomore

Running for: Treasurer

1: How long have you been a part of student council?

“Four years.”

2: Why are you running?

“I love being a part of Homecoming festivities and all the fun things we do here at FHC. “
3: What kind of leader do you hope to be?
“I hope to be someone who can encourage people to participate in all of the great things we do throughout the year.”

4: What do you hope to contribute to the school?

“I hope to contribute by leaving a legacy that future classes can look up to and strive to achieve.”

5. Why should students vote for you?

“I am experienced: I was the VP, and I have been on student council for years. I have always been invested, and I have yet to lose.”

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