Humans of FHC: Jayla Williams

“I don’t know what grade I was in–probably fourth [grade]. I used to have a queen bed in my room because my grandma used to stay over with us a lot. I always sat [in] the middle of my bed, and I would just kind of snuggle up in there. I always just got a weird feeling. We don’t live there anymore, but I always got a weird feeling about the place. One night, I woke up in the middle of [the] night, and my TV was still on. I just turned it off and rolled back over, but I felt like something wasn’t right. So I’m lying in my bed, right there in the middle, and I looked in the corner of my room. There was, I swear, a tall, shadow-like figure in the corner of my room. I saw something dash across my floor. I saw something go down on my floor, but I couldn’t see because my bed was too big. My door was cracked open, and I saw something crawl out of my door. I screamed my head off. My dad had to come in. I had to sleep with my parents for [about] two weeks. It was so bad. That was the only encounter I’ve actually had. I fully, 100 percent, believe in ghosts.”



Intro to Business Q&As: Crandall Quinn – Lavish Lads

Product: Lavish Lads

Instagram: @lavish_lads

Group members: Crandall Quinn (leadership), Raymond Cargill (finance manager), Vaughn Cheslek (sales department), and Erik Hansen (marketing).

What purpose does your product/company serve and what problem is it looking to solve?

“We sell lanyards, and we are looking to sell to everyone looking for some great lanyards.”

Why did your group decide to go with this business idea?

“We decided to go with this because I feel like everyone can use a lanyard, and we have the best lanyards on the market.”

Why do you think your product will be appealing to the student body in general?

“I think our product will be appealing because everyone needs something to hold their keys. Lanyards are just an easy thing to use.”

How did you come up with the name?

“Raymond and Erik made it together. It started with luxury, and then we switched it to Lavish Lads.”

How can people hear about you and buy from you?

“People can buy from us on our Instagram; they can direct message us, or they can pretty much talk to anyone in the group.”

What will you be doing with your profits? Is there an organization you plan to donate a percentage of your profits to?

“Ten percent of our profits are going to the Polar Bears International Organization to help save polar bears from global warming.”

Tell me a story from your experience working on this project.

“Creating the name was a great experience because everyone came together to make the name. We had a few names initially, like luxury, and also Crandall Lanyards which Erik wanted, but we did not end up going with that.”



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