The Sad Reality of High School Friendship

February 11, 2016

The third day of second semester, Mr. Pierce got up in front of my first hour psychology class and questioned us about what we did last night. After a class discussion, he proceeded to tell us that on average, the seniors in the class will only keep in touch with two friends once they go to college and start the next chapter of their life.

I was quite shocked and found myself making a list of people in my head. The list included the many people who I thought those two people might be. And I’m sure I wasn’t the only one. As I was making this list, I realized that it was way too long, which immediately stressed me out.

My mom, like most high school graduates, has kept in touch with two of her friends from her high school, while my dad hasn’t really kept in touch with anyone. I’m named after one of the friends that my mom has kept in touch with, and they continue to be her friends to this day.

The list has loomed over me for the past couple of days. I find myself wishing and hoping that I will stay in touch with those who I have become close with in the recent years. But on the other hand, I feel that it probably won’t be the people that I think it will. Maybe it will be one of the friends who I’ve been friends with forever, but maybe it will be a new friendship that just started to blossom this past year.

Unlike many here at FHC, I’ve had a good high school experience (knocking on wood right after I’m writing this) and I don’t want to just get out of here after graduation like many of my classmates. I’m looking forward to saying goodbye and having a great summer with my fellow classmates.

The relationships that I have made throughout high school are unique and limited. They have shaped the way that I dress, talk, and act. These relationships which have always seemed long-lasting to me might not be that way at all. This list has made me realize that although I might say I’m ready for high school to end, the sheer reality of not seeing some of my peers again frightens me. I’ve become accustomed to coming to school every day knowing that I have someone to talk to, and that’s one thing that will be missed when I start college in the fall. Although it’s a little scary, I can’t wait to see who joins the list and who disappears in the next coming months as I leave the people who will become only a distant memory of high school.

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