Lindsey Lunt

Name: Lindsey Lunt
Grade: 12
Role: Wife
1. Have you ever been in the musical before? If so, for how many years?
“No, I have never been in the musical before.”
2. What are you most excited about for the show?
“I am so excited to share the stage with my classmates and put on such a fun production [that is] filled with so much singing and dancing.”
3. What makes you fit your role so well?
“There’s a lot of dancing for my role, so my dance background has definitely been beneficial for this role between dancing in ballet productions and being on the dance team.”
4. What is your favorite part of being involved in theater?
“My favorite part about being involved in theater is the people! Everyone involved in the show– from cast to the crew–is so welcoming and creates such a positive atmosphere.”
5. What was the most surprising thing to you about this year’s show?
“The most surprising thing to me about this show [was] how much the children’s chorus is involved in so many of the different songs. It’s so fun to have such a large range of ages singing together, and the kids are doing absolutely amazing.”
6. What have been some difficulties with your role or at rehearsals?
“The number of snow days we had this winter was definitely a stressor because they cut our rehearsal time down a lot. But even with all the canceled rehearsals, the show still ended up coming together really well.”
7. How has this experience influenced your high school career?
“Ever since freshman year, I have really wanted to be involved in the musical but never was able to work it out with precious time commitments. But, this year, I was lucky enough to work it into my schedule. It has made such a large impact on my senior year because it’s been a completely new opportunity, and it has been especially fun because there are so many other seniors in the cast and crew as well.”
8. What should audiences be most excited for?
“The audience should be excited for a very entertaining and colorful show. There is always something going on onstage, whether it be singing or acting, so there really is no down time in the show.”

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