Zach Jaeger

Name: Zach Jaeger

Grade: 12

Role: Levi

1. Have you ever been in the musical before? If so, for how many years?

“Yes, I was in it last year.”

2. What are you most excited about for the show?

“I’m excited to be a part of one of my childhood favorite shows, and I cannot believe that I have the opportunity to perform in a production of the very first show I ever saw.”

3. What makes you fit your role so well?

“Not just as an individual but the brothers as a whole really fit their roles because we have so much great chemistry both on and off stage that really lets us be very comfortable, like a big group of real brothers on stage!”

4. What is your favorite part of being involved in theater?

“I love the friendships and people that I have met through this wonderful program. You really create a second family.”

5. What was the most surprising thing to you about this year’s show?

“There is a lot of dancing, and we have been working extra hard to put on an amazing show this year.”

6. What have been some difficulties with your role or at rehearsals?

“The huge amount of dancing makes it difficult for someone like me who has never taken dance lessons.”

7. How has this experience influenced your high school career?

“It has made me more extroverted and confident in myself, and [theater] has created a huge family of people who help each other home their craft.”

8. What should audiences be most excited for?

“The show is super fast-paced and quick, and there is never a dull moment.”

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