Gretchen Shull

1. Have you ever been in the musical before?

“Yes, I was in Little Shop of Horrors my sophomore year and Peter Pan my junior year.”

2. What are you most excited about for the show?

“I’m most excited about the choreography. It’s a little more complex, but it makes the show look really interesting for people watching.”

3. What makes you fit your role so well?

“I’m in the ensemble, and I like being in a big group with the other ensemble folk. We’re all supportive of each other, and we help each other out if one of us is struggling a little bit.”

4. What is your favorite part of being involved in theater?

“My favorite part of being in the theater by far is the people that I get to meet and spend time with. It always brings me closer with classmates that I wouldn’t normally get the chance to get to know. I’ve met the greatest people that I have ever met through theatre.”

5. What was the most surprising thing to you about this year’s show?

“The most surprising thing is probably how fast the show goes. Usually, I always have some songs to sit and take a breather, but for Joseph [and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat], I am either onstage, singing backstage, or changing into my next costume.”

6. What have been some difficulties with your role or at rehearsals?

“The snow days that we had took away a lot of rehearsals that we had scheduled, so it was a little difficult trying to catch up. The show is already complex, so we were learning about one song per rehearsal and to have the pacing of rehearsals switched up was a little bit of an adjustment.

7. How has this experience influenced your high school career?

“Musical has influenced my high school career by getting me closer with so many other students. I get to meet awesome underclassmen, and I also get to talk to some people in my class that I normally wouldn’t talk to. It’s really allowed me to branch out socially.”

8. What should audiences be most excited for?

“The audience should be most excited for the amazing visuals that the show creates. The show is choreographed so that people are never bored watching the show, and the cast is super talented!”

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