Staff Q&As: Morgan Mittlestadt

Name: Morgan Mittlestadt

Grade: 11

Position: Social Media Manager

Semesters spent on TCT: 3

1. Why did you decide to join TCT? 

“I decided to join TCT for a few reasons. First, I needed to get my VPAA credits, and no other elective really appealed to any of my interests besides TCT. Also, I had been hearing Courtney Collar say nothing but positive things about her experiences as a writer for TCT; therefore, I felt encouraged to sign up for the elective and participate in something unique at school. Finally, I really wanted an outlet to not only practice writing more frequently but to strengthen my abilities as a writer also.”

2. How has TCT helped you grow as a writer and a person? 

“Practice makes perfect, or better, so having to consistently write stories from week to week has definitely made me a better writer. As a person, TCT has shown me the power that words hold and how precise a writer really must be with how they articulate their words—especially when their writing is being posted on a public platform.”

3. If you were a type of cheese, what type of cheese would you be? 

“I was born and raised in Wisconsin so definitely cheddar cheese.”

4. What is your favorite thing about writing? 

“My favorite thing about writing is the freedom that is associated with it. For example, when I write reviews, my opinions and experiences with what I reviewed are welcomed and taken into account respectfully by the site’s readers. Specific to TCT, I enjoy witnessing the ability writing has to bring the community together.”

5. What’s your funniest story of complications while working on a story? 

“Last year, I was trying to find a person to write a profile on, so I asked the editors, and they referred me to a girl in their grade. When I direct messaged the girl on Instagram to ask for her permission to write a profile on her and tell her what my angle would be, she told me that she did not participate in the activities that the editors had told me she did. It was really embarrassing to have to send like a walk-of-shame message back.”

6. Who’s your favorite literary character and why? 

“I don’t really have a favorite literary character, but a character that stands out is Tris Prior from the Divergent series. I haven’t read the series in a while, but I do remember being inspired by the resilience, determination, and strength that Tris exhibited naturally.”

7. What is your favorite type of story to write and why? 

“My favorite type of story to write is profiles. I think it’s really amazing how we write about the amazing lives of the students of FHC. It’s really fun to turn an interview for a profile into an inspirational, special story, and I’m glad that we’re able to give the interesting, selfless, and talented student body of FHC a platform to be recognized.”

8. What are your aspirations for the upcoming decade? 

“My aspirations for the upcoming decade are to be accepted to my dream college, continue dancing in any way possible, and be accepted into medical school.”

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