When we knew that we wanted to be editors

Abby – 

I always looked at the plaques lining the walls of George’s room—the ones with all the editors proudly displayed in forest green font—and wondered if maybe, just maybe, I could be up there one day. 

But I always pushed the thought away because it seemed too far-fetched. 

It was my lack of belief in myself, especially as a freshman and as a sophomore, too. I didn’t believe in my abilities, I didn’t believe the praise from my family and friends and teachers, and I didn’t believe that my name—Abby Wright—could be on the wall. 

It was when spring of my sophomore year bloomed that I, too, bloomed. After two years on staff—two years of gazing at the plaques on the wall, wondering if I could do that, too—I decided I wanted it. 

I wanted to be editor. 

I have my newfound belief in myself to thank, but I have my sophomore year editors to thank, too. To Sus, Nish, and Reen: thank you for leading with such grace and passion. For showing me, whether you knew it or not, that I could do it, too. For praising my good reviews, for pushing me to always do my best, for standing tall and proud during meetings every day. 

It was during those meetings that I felt—in my bones and my soul and my heart—that I wanted to stand just as tall and proud as you guys. 

I wanted to stand beneath my name on the wall. 

And days after writing why I wanted to be editor on the application sheet, I would find out that, yes, I can do it. I can have my name on the wall, and I will stand proud underneath it. 

Ashlyn – 

My mom likes to say that I first told her I wanted to be an editor my freshman year. And while I don’t remember that at all, she’s not far from the truth; leading is something that was coded into my DNAit’s always been a part of me. 

It was just pure luck I ended up in The Central Trend freshman year. 

But it has developed into one of the best leadership classes I will ever take. Most people see The Central Trend as a journalism class, but, in all honesty, The Central Trend has taught me more about being a part of a group and taking responsibility than it has taught me about comma usage. 

The Central Trend gave me so much, and I just wanted to give back to that. I wanted to take this class I loved so much and leave my own touch on it. 

Courtney – 

I never thought I would be an editor— I didn’t let myself want it. My defensive pessimism kicked in, forcing down my intense need for the position. 

The inclination— more than inclination— was present in the back of my mind and in the deepest part of my heart from the minute I joined the class. I knew there were more qualified students, more talented writers who’d worked on staff for longer, but I couldn’t stop the desire slowly fighting to surface and make itself known. I also knew I had no chance of being handed the coveted position, also knew what it took to earn it. And so with my head a mess and heart in knots, I did it and told no one that I had even applied until the position was presented to me. 

Though I now adore the leadership aspect of the position that terrified me at first, the leadership wasn’t enraptured me, called to me. In fact, it almost stopped me from applying, from trying to snag this opportunity. 

It was the grammar. It was the grammar that drew me to the job, made me need it with a passion I didn’t know I possessed. 

My nerdy, word-obsessed self just wanted to correct grammar.

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