FHC Sports Report presents: My Life in Sports
Tommy Spaletto, Sports Editor in Chief
With the sports world put on hold, the FHC Sports Report staff reflects on what sports have meant to them as we experience the new normal without sports for the foreseeable future.

My life in sports
Ever since I was a toddler, I’ve always been highly infatuated with sports and anything that has to do with them. Although I never actually played any team sports through my elementary years, I was always involved in them and took pride in my abilities in and out of school. The word “sport” to me isn’t just a physical exertion and practicing of certain skills, but it is far more. In my opini...

My life in sports
Sports have always had a profound impact on my life. Since I was about four years old, baseball has been my passion and in a way, it mimicked real life with its ups and downs. Some of the more positive moments were fulfilled by making all-star teams, winning championships, and just being able to play on teams with my friends contrasted with the lows stemming from disappointing seasons and poor individual per...

My Life in Sports
Fellow sports editor in chief Tommy Spaletto and I, along with Mr. George, were brainstorming over video chat on what we could possibly write about on the FHC Sports Report with no actual sports taking place. We talked about writing columns on what the sports world looks like right now, doing a series on the seniors that got their season taken away, and even starting our podcast back up from last ye...

My life in sports
To say that sports have changed my life would be an understatement. My life has revolved around the sports world, and to have it all taken away is devastating. Growing up, I was involved in a wide variety of sports ranging from basketball, golf, lacrosse, tennis, football, swimming, and soccer. Every night of the week, I was at practice for one of these sports. My family’s weekends were spent traveling f...

My life began when I started sports
On my second birthday, I received two gifts: a soccer ball and a goldfish. One of those things has helped to shape me into the person I am today and continues to help me build my future一and it wasn’t the goldfish. I remember the first game of my first soccer season very vividly, and that is partially because of how bad I was. I really sucked when I first started playing, and I think that ...

My life in sports
Since the age of seven, the sounds of various pieces of sports equipment rolling and banging about could always be heard in the trunk of my car when traveling to whatever sporting event I was participating in at the time. Whether it be golf, tennis, soccer, swim, football, baseball, track, or wrestling, sports have always been a part of my life and will continue to be as long as I can keep up. Co...

How I’ve been impacted by sports
Sports have always been a passion of mine that brings me joy in many different ways. Playing sports and making many friendships with people throughout the years is always something I’ll look back on and be happy that I did in high school. Similarly, watching sports always bring me joy whenever my favorite teams get a big win or even win a championship. As much as I’ve loved to play and watch sports,...

My life in sports
Soccer has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. When I was younger, I participated in a few other sports like gymnastics, track, and basketball, but it came to a point when I chose and stuck with soccer up until today. That decision was probably one of the best decisions I have made. In the summer before first grade, I moved to Michigan. The move was quite devastating to me, cons...
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