Andrew Preston

Sport: Boys Lacrosse

Accomplishments: All-Region

Future Plans: Playing lacrosse at Western Michigan University

What does missing out on your senior lacrosse season mean to you?

“It means everything. All the work that the seniors have put in for this season was all a waste and most of us will never play again.”

What was your reaction when MHSAA announced that the spring sports season was canceled?

“I was heartbroken, as was the whole team. We all had high hopes that we were going to have a delayed season and still win a state championship, but canceling the season killed us.”

What have sports meant to you throughout your high school career?

“Sports, in general, is what kept me in school. It’s helped me keep my grades up for eligibility, and it gave me something to look forward to year-round.”

What is your proudest accomplishment as a Ranger?

“Winning the state championship in lacrosse during my junior year.”

What are you going to miss most about playing for FHC?

“The bond that you already have with your team because you’ve been playing with the same boys your whole life. Also, the spirit that the team has for ourselves.”

What would you say to underclassmen who still have time left playing for FHC?

“Don’t take anything for granted and value your time at FHC; it’s the most cliche advice that you’ll hear, but it’s advice that is the easiest to overlook.”

Is there anything you want to say to the FHC community?

“Thank you for all your support, it’s worth more than you know.”

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