Unofficial “homecoming dances” will be detrimental to all the progress that has been made through COVID-19

The war between students and administration rages on as high schoolers push to have Homecoming. And, with some being denied the opportunity, COVID-19 thrives under the prospect of community-hosted “homecoming dances.” 

It’s no wonder high schoolers—even college students—are upset; Homecoming is a rite of passage for kids. Some schools, like Troy High School near Detroit, have an administration who chose to rather postpone activities such as the dance rather than just canceling them altogether.

Unfortunately for Ranger Country, there will be no dance, parade, or traditional student section as all have been canceled for the year. 

Nonetheless, FHC still plans on having a court, spirit days, a tug-of-war competition, and virtual assemblies, shifting the focus from denial to socially-distanced and safe activities to keep the morale of students high.

There have been around 215,000 American lives lost to COVID-19, and 7,227 of those lives were Michigan ones.

Rumors of parents who have planned gorilla-style “homecomings” for their kids to have a moment of normalcy have been trickling into mainstream media. But, as with anything during this pandemic, dances have an inherent risk despite the allure of tradition. This push-and-pull of parents who are looking to work with schools and public health officials and those who are looking to fight against them are the last thing that high schoolers need.

As angry as some individuals may be at the district for canceling some of the staples of high school life, it is still no excuse to be irresponsible with a deadly virus still taking its toll on the nation. We all play a role in working through this pandemic together, and an outbreak of COVID-19 of one hundred-some students traced back to a single group of selfish individuals is the last thing that the culture at FHC needs.

Not only will Homecoming week be a test for parents, but it will also be a test for students to see how responsible they can be in the face of doing what is best for their peers. Not only could a private “homecoming” event (ie: invite-only) create a divide between students and others emotionally, it will also separate classes physically—possibly pushing schools over the brink to an online period for everyone.

As we inch close and closer to many FHC students’ favorite week of the year, it is crucial to remain in as small of a social circle as possible. As lustrous as the idea of some shot of replacing all that we have lost maybe, that sparkle will fade as more and more students fall victim to the virus. 

In some ways, Ranger Country has been given a gift to grow closer and more strong as a community, but indiscretion and recklessness on both parents’ and students’ ends can lead to the endangerment of our peers who have weakened immune systems, close relatives and friends of students who are at high risk, or those who are more vulnerable to COVID-19 in our community.

And, speaking directly to FHC students, remember to wear a mask, keep your distance, but—most importantly—show your pride for how far our school has come amidst this pandemic and appreciate what we have gained in tradition.

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