Student Q&A: Madi Evans

Name: Madi Evans

Grade: 9

1. How are you acclimating to the switch to Canvas?

“I’m not acclimating well; it’s really hard to try and switch to a new platform, especially when none of the teachers really know what they are doing.”

2. Do you feel like switching to Canvas has improved your learning and/or the structure and organization of your classes?

“I think Canvas has made it a lot more difficult because I don’t know where everything is and how to turn things. And, some teachers are using Google Classroom and Canvas, so I don’t know what platform to submit assignments into.”

3. What do you believe are the advantages of Canvas?

“I’m not really sure what the advantages of Canvas are–maybe that everything is in one place, but I really don’t see what the difference between Canvas and Google Classroom is.”

4. What do you believe are the disadvantages of Canvas?

“I think the disadvantages, besides the fact that it’s confusing to navigate, is that it’s hard to submit assignments, some teachers aren’t even using Canvas, and sometimes the assignments don’t submit the right way and it’s just difficult.”

5. Was your initial view of canvas different at the beginning than it is now after some weeks of use?

“At first, it was basically the equivalent to rocket science to be honest. It’s a little easier to understand now but I still am having troubles with it.” 

6. Are most of your teachers’ Canvas pages organized similarly?

“All my teachers have Canvas pages; however, the only ones who really uses [Canvas] is my Spanish teacher and Language Arts teacher, which makes it ten times more difficult on the online days because I’m constantly switching platforms.”

7. Do you have a teacher(s) that is thriving while using Canvas more so than Google Classroom?

“Mrs. Velie is handling the switch well; she has a really nice page set up with the zoom codes, weekly calendar, and other links we use daily on the homepage. It’s also easy to navigate and fun since there are lots of fun colors she added.”

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