Film Festival Q&As: Who Did It?

Film title: Who Did It? 

Genre: Drama

Interviewee: Ellie Field

Group members: Julia Bouma, Tatum Otolski, and Morghan Tilton


Can you give a five-minute elevator pitch for your film?

“I think that people should definitely come to our film because my teammates and I have put so much hard work into the movie, and people definitely won’t be disappointed. It’s a perfect mix of comedy, drama, and suspense.” 

What inspired you to get into filmmaking?

“Past students in the class definitely are the ones who got me interested in filmmaking. I have gone to all the film festivals in the past, and it is always so cool to see all of the movies that high schoolers can produce and put together, yet look so professional at the same time.”

What were your inspirations for the film?

“If I am going to be honest, there wasn’t just one single thing that inspired me and my group. We thought it would be intriguing to make a film that high schoolers could relate to since the majority of our audience will be high schoolers.”

How would you describe your film in one word?

“Intriguing. I think our movie is intriguing because there is always something going on that keeps you on the edge of your seat.” 

What is the best part about the Filmfest project? 

 “I think the best part will be when our movie is getting broadcasted to the school. My teammates and I have put so much time and effort into this project, I can speak for all of us when I say we will feel very accomplished when it’s all over.”

What is one major lesson you’ve learned from this project?

“One lesson that I have learned is how important teamwork actually is. None of us would have been able to do it by ourselves. We had to rely on each other to not just get it done, but for the film to be entertaining as well.”

Can you give me the rundown of what it took to make this film?

 “There were so many steps that took place to be able to make this film.

1.) The first thing we had to do was a theme and plot development, which is basically when you decide what your movies are going to be about. 

2.)  The second thing we had to do was write a script. This includes what all of the characters will have to say, when they will have to say them, and where they will be while they are saying them. 

3.) The third step was we had to draw a storyboard. We had to draw out every single line that a character was going to say, to show what angle the camera was going to be at. 

4.) The fourth step was we had to write a production plan. We had to include when and where we are filming a specific scene, who would need to be there, what props we would have to bring, etc. 

5.) The fifth step was actually filming the movie. This took several weeks. 

6.) The last step is editing the movie altogether. This also took several weeks.” 

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