Emma Zawacki

FHC Inspires Q&As: Paige Fron

Speaker: Paige Fron

How do you feel about your TED Talk being picked for FHC Inspires?

“I feel deeply honored and surprised that out of all the students that applied, my Ted Talk was one of the [ones] chosen.”

What is a quick description of your TED Talk? 

“The inside view of depression.”

Does public speaking make you nervous? How has this project improved your skills?

“Public speaking does make me feel nervous, but it made me realize how much confidence I actually have.”

Who are you giving this TED Talk for and why?

“For all the people that have a mental illness and feel alone in their struggles. It is to make others also understand, so they can sympathize with others.”

What do you hope people will take away from your Talk?

“I hope people walk away with an understanding of mental illness and what it feels like.”

Who’s TED Talk are you excited to hear live?

“Kyra [Thomas’] Ted Talk, I believe, deserves to be heard.”

If your presentation was a color what would it be and why?

“Dark and light because we have our brightest moments, and our darkest moments, but the balance shapes who we are.”

How does the layout of your Google Slides portray your personality and the topic of your Talk?

“The different colors have different vibes that represent different scenarios of feeling.”

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