Natalie Mix, Phonto, PicCollage

2021 FHC Inspires Q&As

The 2021 FHC Inspires show consists of eighteen intelligent, star student speakers with a variety of fascinating and insightful TED Talks. Get to know these eighteen participants as they are asked perceptive questions about their experience and their role in being chosen for this unique performance!

This Is Ranger Country: Episode 21
FHC Inspires Q&As: Kyra Thomas
FHC Inspires Q&As: Lucy Mclean
FHC Inspires Q&As: Ellie McDowell
FHC Inspires Q&As: Abby Cummings
FHC Inspires Q&As: Allie Beaumont
FHC Inspires Q&As: Ally Werkema
FHC Inspires Q&As: Trevor Vanskiver
FHC Inspires Q&As: Ava Redmond
FHC Inspires Q&As: Katelynn Heilman
FHC Inspires Q&As: Rasraj Mann
FHC Inspires Q&As: Daniel Wang
FHC Inspires Q&As: Kate Hotaling
FHC Inspires Q&As: Jordyn Reens
FHC Inspires Q&As: Addi Bunnell
FHC Inspires Q&As: Kamdyn Hawkins
FHC Inspires Q&As: Paige Fron
FHC Inspires Q&As: Veronica Vincent
FHC Inspires Q&As: Annie Douma

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