Natalie Mix

Play Q&As: Jonathan Mossner

Name: Jonathan Mossner

Grade: 10th

1. What is your role? 

“My role is Christopher.”

2. Why did you decide to try out for the play? 

“I’ve tried out for [plays] before, and I really enjoyed my last experience, and I wanted to do it again, and right now, it’s been good.”

3. What do you have in common with your character? 

“We’re around the same age, but we don’t really have that many similarities, which really makes it more unique because I get to play someone that I’m not like.”

4. What kind of show should FHC be expecting? 

“It’s a little bit more of a serious show, a bit emotional. It’s got some funny bits in there, but it’s more of a serious drama show.”

5. Do you have a favorite memory from your time in the play?

“We did a cast bonding party together, and that was pretty fun. We went bowling—got to get to know some of the cast members a little bit better.”

6. What are you most excited about?

“Just to see how it goes, really. I’m kind of nervous because, well, it’s tomorrow, and we’ve still got some stuff to work on, so that’s a today thing. We [have] to just see how it goes, and hopefully it goes well. So that’s what I’m excited about.”

7. How do you get into character before performing?

“I get ready like, ‘Okay, we’re about to do this. Okay, let’s go.'”

8. If you were any Shakespeare play, which would you be and why?

“I’m not really a big Shakespeare person. Romeo and Juliet, I guess. It’s cool—just preferably not someone who dies. That’d be pretty gruesome.”

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