TCT’s The Countless Thanks 2021: Masyn Cole

Cassidy Curtis – for guiding me through my horseback riding career and life 

I started when I was ten years old and had set a goal for myself. “I want to go to Youth Nationals someday.” And look where I am now, all thanks to you. I’ve made it through many regionals and gained some regional titles, I’ve accomplished my national goal, and I would not be who I am today without you. You’ve made me stronger through riding and real-life situations, through all of the tough lessons, the push-ups, and “tea parties.” You’ve taught me about how to act and how not to act, how many fish are in the sea, and how to just sit back and relax a bit. I’m sorry for making you say “right shoulder back” countless times, but I wanted to let you know that I’m thankful for you.

Luke Nault – for being my boyfriend and my best friend 

I’ve never met someone quite like you. You’re caring, loving, and warmhearted. You’re determined, creative, and hard-working. You’re everything a girl could ever want, and I am so thankful that you are mine. Thank you for loving me, making me happy, and making me laugh. Thank you for driving me everywhere because I’m scared of driving, and thank you for teaching me how to ski like a professional just like you. Thank you for building my confidence, being there for me, and hugging me when I may need one, and thank you for teaching me how to truly love someone. “You’re the bestest.”

Allison Kelly – for getting me through fifth grade gym class 

Sitting there in the gym, you would go on and on about the drama you dealt with, and I truly believe this is what brought us together. We would both share our stories about people we didn’t like and the crushes we had in common, and that leads to now. Thank you for being the friend that I can come to about anything, whether it’s anxiety, drama, or church-related. I have realized that being friends for so long makes us the same person; I always know that look in your eyes when someone we don’t like walks by or what you are going to say next in a conversation, not that you are predictable—we are just synched.

Payton Vincent – for sleeping over when no one else wanted to

Our sleepover is what comes to mind while writing about you—with the themed photoshoot of the red flags in my room, our family, and, well, a recreation of Val’s photography picture, and the ratings of the most viewed Minecraft videos. I will also always remember our creation of Hugepeterlikes2sk8 on Movie Star Planet; I know that Weston and Kalynn would be so stoked to hear about him. But in general, I appreciate you so much, your jokes, your texts, and your love for Jack Manifold—yes I’m exposing you—even if I annoy you in Mr. Carhart’s class early in the morning.

Celine Merhi – for letting me order Freddy’s at your house 

Now I want some ice cream, but that will have to wait. Thanks for letting me hang out at your house and always being the best host through the many sleepovers, after-school hangouts, and Friendsgivings. Your house will always be a favorite, with the nice decorations, space, and fun chairs to lay backward on. Thank you for also helping me with hard situations on Snapchat and trying to figure out who “dot” was. Hey, we tried our best.

Grace Crook – for letting me embarrass you 

Sitting in the TCT room, we discovered something we had in common, made a group chat, and talked about a phase that we’ve had for a while now. You’ve helped me realize that maybe I’m a little too open about things I shouldn’t be, but in all seriousness, thank you for being you, and for making the late-night discord calls a blast. I know you don’t love hugs, but when I see you next time, I’m gonna give you a long five-minute hug.

Val Garza – for being the most hilarious person I’ve ever met 

Thank you for making me laugh. I’ve never met someone that makes me laugh as hard as you do. Whenever you laugh, it’s like a chain reaction of laughter, it fills the room with happiness. Sometimes, I don’t understand your jokes because it involves One Direction, but even then, I still laugh. Thank you for also being the friend that I can hug and lean on. I don’t have many friends that are like me in that way, so I appreciate that. It’s always nice to have a little hug from you.

Veronica Vincent – for guidance in difficult situations 

I’ve looked up to you since the second grade. You’ve always been outgoing, reasonable, and unconcerned about what other people think. You’ve told me about all of the situations you’ve dealt with, and I admire the way you handle them; I look up to you in that way. You also are just always out there. You have your style and your personality, which I also have always cherished. Thank you for being an amazing friend and being a leader.

Chloe Culp and Addie Ruppel – for being my forever friends

“You are M-E-A-N,” and talking to Addie while she was sitting in Eli’s stall was the beginning of a long-lasting and forever friendship. Thank you for loving me for who I am and listening and coping with everything I tell you. That’s the thing. I can tell you anything—even if I’m not supposed to. I love our friendship because we are so open, caring, and honest with each other. Whatever I tell you, you listen in and help, through all of the serious talks, jokes, and emotions. I will always love you guys, and I know in my mind that we will be friends forever. Also, Pam and Canno say they are thankful for you too.

Grace Culp and Sheridan Ruppel – for being the older sisters I’ve always wanted

Having a younger sister is great, but I’ve always wanted an older sister, and that is exactly what you are to me. Thank you for being a role model to me and guiding me through what not to do and what is right. I love you guys, and I miss you.

My family – for having my back 

Family comes first in all situations and is always there no matter what, so thank you for being there for me and watching me grow old. Thank you Grandma for letting me camp with you in the summer, for giving me a hug whenever I see you, and for trying not to say program. Thank you Grandpa for making me laugh while you watch Instagram reels and noticing my hair every time I dye it a different color. Thank you Nana for having a great fashion sense and taking me shopping, helping me with my anxious thoughts, and telling me funny stories about my dad. Thank you Papa for kissing me on the head every time we hug and fight for our country. Thank you Aunt Trish for teaching me how to burn ants with a magnifying glass and for passing on your love for the outdoors. Thank you Uncle Bill for the long serious talks and for teaching me more about how to pet Stella. Thank you Aunt Kristi for always being up for a good Starbucks coffee and for spending time with my siblings and me. Thank you Uncle John for your artistic ability for building and letting me ride your jet skis. Thank you Anna for being a role model in how to be successful just like you and for being the best cousin I could ever ask for. Thank you Tommy for ripping on the jet skis with me, teaching me how to do a donut—even if I fling myself off—and making Anna happy. Thank you Deed for guiding me through life situations, teaching me how to be a better person, showing me how to handle the competition, and for your music. Thank you Mom for letting me cry to you, tell you everything, and hugging me for a long time. To close it off, thank you Remi and Brody for laughing at my not funny jokes, letting me annoy you, and having long talks.

Mr. George – for keeping me on the right path 

I’ve never had a teacher like you. Typically teachers don’t care about their students as much as you do. You’re consistently checking on how we are doing and how our day was, while still encouraging us to get our work done. I remember at my lunch table we would talk about teachers who creep students out when they ask about their feelings, and we would say “only Mr. George can do that,” so thank you for being you.

Barn Moms – for encouragement, support, and laughs 

The barn is a special place where I’ve met special people, including the moms helping through stressful lessons or shows and what to wear, creating funny moments in my ride that I talk about over and over, playing around with the barn girls who always make me smile, and even talking about some drama—but don’t tell anyone. So thank you, Barn Moms, I appreciate you and your kids.

The Nault family   

Walking into your house consistently provides me with joy. Ruby, Olive, and Jimmy all run up to me and start licking my face, and my favorite, Milo, tries to keep his distance. Tripping once up the stairs falls into losing count of how many times I’ve walked up the stairs without falling. Sitting in the same chair during dinner listening to two different sides, skiing, and horses. Learning how to play poker and getting beat by Luke every time, and sitting on the couch upstairs watching hallmark movies. These are the things I am thankful for; your family provides me with contentment, relaxation, and a break from chaos.

The Culp family and the Ruppel family – for being my second home

Thank you for being my second families. I love you and appreciate having a home and family to turn to that provides me with Mrs. Ruppel’s waffles in the morning, Mrs. Culp’s tea and care after I’ve eaten too many brownies, and Mr. Culp’s jokes of telling me that I smell bad. Thank you for being there for me when I need you the most.

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