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The Student Voice of Forest Hills Central

The Central Trend

The Student Voice of Forest Hills Central

The Central Trend

The Student Voice of Forest Hills Central

The Central Trend

Masyn Cole

Masyn Cole, Staff Writer

Masyn Cole is a junior entering her second year on The Central Trend. When Masyn isn’t writing stories for The Central Trend, she loves spending time with her horses. Masyn is a competitive rider at Curtis Performance Horses and also for the FHC Equestrian Team. She competes at the regional and national levels and has two lessons a week throughout all four seasons. As for the equestrian team, she spends the beginning of the school year practicing. When Masyn isn’t busy with her horse, she finds herself either dancing and singing, trying out new activities, or hanging out at home with friends and family.

Favorite song: “Heat Waves” by Glass Animals

Someone who inspires Masyn: Her trainer, Cassidy

Favorite fast food place: Culvers

The pets she has: Three snails, four fish, two dogs, two cats, and two horses

All content by Masyn Cole
Masyn Cole has been horseback riding for years and it has become an integral part of her life.

[Photo] Masyn Cole finds the feeling of home in a peculiar place

Kiera Kemppainen, Copy Editor December 12, 2022

Masyn Cole has been horseback riding for years and it has become an integral part of her life.

Lacey Smith plays a major role in encouraging her teammates in basketball

Lacey Smith plays a major role in encouraging her teammates in basketball

Masyn Cole, Staff Writer December 16, 2021

Sophomore Lacey Smith hypes herself up and gets the team pumped up before a game in an unforeseen way.  Before her basketball games, Lacey finds herself dancing and singing in the locker room with...

TCT’s The Countless Thanks 2021: Masyn Cole

TCT’s The Countless Thanks 2021: Masyn Cole

Masyn Cole, Staff Writer November 22, 2021

Cassidy Curtis - for guiding me through my horseback riding career and life  I started when I was ten years old and had set a goal for myself. "I want to go to Youth Nationals someday." And look where...

Jessica and her ladybugs have a fragment of my heart

Jessica and her ladybugs have a fragment of my heart

Masyn Cole, Staff Writer November 22, 2021

Everyone receives an angel, and I believe that I have acquired mine.  My neighbor, Jessica, passed away almost five years ago and had a love for ladybugs—a small, delicate, but vibrant beetle. Her...

Bands that give me the same type of feeling might change with what's new

Bands that give me the same type of feeling might change with what’s new

Masyn Cole, Staff Writer November 19, 2021

Lately, my music taste has shifted—it's taken a turn for the beginning of a brand new style and a brand new me. I typically have listened to songs I hear on TikTok, rap, and pop music. Those genres have...

One of the Perfect Petzzz

Are toy pets as beneficial as real pets when it comes to mental health?

Masyn Cole, Staff Writer November 17, 2021

In stores, such as Hallmark and Walmart, people are able to purchase a Perfect Petzzz Realistic “Breathing” and Sleeping Kitty Pet Set. Younger kids walk by amused at the authentic-looking animal,...

Sophomore Lotta Peterson plans to bring her endurance to the track team this year

Sophomore Lotta Peterson plans to bring her endurance to the track team this year

Masyn Cole, Staff Writer November 5, 2021

Sophomore Lotta Peterson is staying at FHC for this school year and then returning to her hometown in Germany.  Lotta lived in a small town back home and participated in a track and field club for...

Some of the people and pets that make me look back

Everything happens for a reason: my catchphrase

Masyn Cole, Staff Writer November 5, 2021

Everything happens for a reason, and I notice it.  The good, bad, minor, and significant marks in your life, and I notice every single one of them. When something happens that puts me in a bad mood...

Spooky Humans: Alma Velic

Spooky Humans: Alma Velic

Masyn Cole, Staff Writer October 26, 2021

"When I was eleven years old, I went out to trick-or-treat. When I rang the doorbell, a sweet old lady opened the door and told us that we looked very cute in our costumes. Then, a guy popped out with...

The album art for Lovejoy's newest EP, Pebble Brain

Lovejoy’s newest EP, Pebble Brain, preoccupied my mind

Masyn Cole, Staff Writer October 18, 2021

At this time in my life, I often benefit from hearing optimistic music and dancing around to it, keeping me distracted from my tightly-held emotions.  Wednesday, October 13, had been a long day—full...

Broken glass representing a breakup

That’s what I’ve been worried about the whole time

Masyn Cole, Staff Writer October 12, 2021

It’s what I’ve been worried about this whole time—the beginning to the second ending. I left you open-handed with no response. On my end, I was worried about what I would get myself into. It...

"Inside" cover photo

Bo Burnham’s comeback with ‘Inside” was relatable and amusing

Masyn Cole, Staff Writer October 7, 2021

I was first struck after watching Bo Burnham's talent after watching "What" and "Make Happy" and have grown an obsession for comedian Bo Burnham. Now after a prolonged absence because of the pandemic,...

A picture of Addie and I hugging after her class.

Sorry is an overused and “tired” word

Masyn Cole, Staff Writer October 4, 2021

In English class, we have been talking about tired words. What is a tired word? It’s a word that is used too often and worn out. It’s words like nice, bad, and big. Words like small, great, and...

Tubbo's first song, "Life by the Sea," has a deeper meaning than just for kicks

Tubbo’s first song, “Life by the Sea,” has a deeper meaning than just for kicks

Masyn Cole, Staff Writer September 28, 2021

Just a bit ago, YouTuber and Twitch Streamer Tubbo released his first song, “Life by the Sea,” including a featured artist, CG5.  A YouTuber and Twitch streamer that I frequently watch, Wilbur...

Improv Team Q&As: Emily Smith

Improv Team Q&As: Emily Smith

Masyn Cole, Staff Writer September 14, 2021

What made you decide to join Improv? "I wanted to try something new for my senior year." What is your favorite Improv memory? "Going to Chicago for an Improv team trip." Why should FHC students...

A photo of me crying before the first day of school once again.

I wish you could see my true colors

Masyn Cole, Staff Writer September 8, 2021

I’m a very joyful person.  Some may think the opposite. Most people agree that I am. But do I really believe it about myself? Do I truly believe that I am what others think of me? The answer is no....

Alec Benjamin and Dream on the cover of their song "Change My Clothes"

Dream and Alec Benjamin’s song together “Change My Clothes” was surprising to say the least

Masyn Cole, Staff Writer September 6, 2021

Not long ago, YouTuber Dream and singer Alec Benjamin collaborated and released their first song together: “Change My Clothes.”  The song captured my attention when a clip was leaked on TikTok,...

A drawing of Dream in his mask with a smile

Dreams second song “Mask” provided me with mixed feelings

Masyn Cole, Staff Writer June 2, 2021

Not long ago, YouTuber and Twitch streamer Dream released his second song, "Mask." Specific parts of the song were released as a teaser while fans—including me—eagerly waited for Dream to release the...

Me at the pool today thinking about summer.

These are my four rules for summer vacation

Masyn Cole, Staff Writer June 1, 2021

A rough school year has finally come to an end. The moments of being drowned in school work have stopped. No more nights of stress; I've stayed up late studying and crying over math homework that I have...

"Are You Alright?" cover

Lovejoy’s song “One Day” strikes me with enjoyment

Masyn Cole, Staff Writer May 17, 2021

Just recently, the up-and-coming band—Lovejoy— featuring Wilbur Soot, released "One Day" as part of their newest EP Are You Alright? This indie-rock band first piqued my interest when Twitch streamer...

We became close, but now you are lost

We became close, but now you are lost

Masyn Cole, Staff Writer May 14, 2021

I lose and gain people in my life.  It happens too fast. It creeps up on me when I least expect it. The people that I become close with fade away, and I don’t seem to notice.  I’ve never really...

Senior Sophie Young and one of her best friends

Senior Sophie Young takes theatre to the next level by majoring in film

Masyn Cole, Staff Writer May 10, 2021

Senior Sophie Young has taken her dreams into her hands and is on the path to pursue her theatre career. To put it in perspective, she will be attending the University of Iowa to major in film and couldn't...

Anxiety is like a rocky flowing river

Anxiety is like a rocky flowing river

Masyn Cole, Staff Writer May 10, 2021

We are all given hardships for a reason.  I strongly believe that my struggle with anxiety is not only a part of me that brings me to my lowest point but a part of me that brings me up.  I suppose...

Lalo's Mexican Bar & Grill in Ada, MI

Lalo’s Mexican Grill & Bar changed my perspective on Mexican food

Masyn Cole, Staff Writer May 3, 2021

I’ve always been picky about Mexican food. Being the way I am with Mexican food makes it less enjoyable for me; there’s no way to relish the food when it’s repeatedly the same bland foods. To...

Ned on his way to the Bahamas with me

My innumerable amount of stuffed animals keep me content

Masyn Cole, Staff Writer April 26, 2021

From when I was first introduced to the world until now, I have managed to endure quite a collection of various stuffed animals for my bedroom. First, there was Baby. Baby was the first stuffed “doll”...

Prior Noon is a Lowell, Michigan originated band, and this is the cover for their newest song, "Catch 22"

Prior Noon’s song “Catch 22” makes me anxious for summer

Masyn Cole, Staff Writer April 19, 2021

A local pop-country band, Prior Noon, recently released a song named “Catch 22.” The newly released song already has over 1,000 streams on Spotify, Apple Music, and YouTube combined. It has quickly...

We’ve been friends for seven years and many more to come: part two

We’ve been friends for seven years and many more to come: part two

Masyn Cole, Staff Writer April 19, 2021

I don’t remember it exactly, but it was my first horse show. You were there, sitting in the corner of your horse's stall, and Chloe introduced me to you. We talked for a while before getting ready, and...

Freshman Ava Ackerman at "The Nutcracker"

Freshman Ava Ackerman plays the part of her dreams in The Nutcracker

Masyn Cole, Staff Writer March 29, 2021

Freshman Ava Ackerman had always aspired to be in the well-known ballet production, The Nutcracker.  In fifth grade, Ava’s friend had the chance to perform in the ballet. Beforehand, her friend’s...

Chloe and I many years ago

We’ve been friends for seven years and many more to come: part one

Masyn Cole, Staff Writer March 26, 2021

I keep the memories of countless sleepless nights, horseback riding lessons, and vacations in my head. Nevertheless, these snapshots of our friendship's many stories collide with each other. I can't seem...

Me being sad because of text messages.

I don’t want to text; I want a hug

Masyn Cole, Staff Writer March 12, 2021

As an archetypical teenager, texting isn’t my strong suit. The prototype of “all teenagers do is text, they never talk face to face” is overused and fabricated. While some people may be more...

Wilbur Soot's "I'm in Love with an E-Girl" music video cover

I might be biased, but “I’m in Love with an E-Girl” by Wilbur Soot is a must-listen

Masyn Cole, Staff Writer March 1, 2021

Youtuber and Twitch streamer Wilbur Soot released the song “I’m in Love with an E-Girl” early last year. The piece first appeared on TikTok when I began cultivating an interest in various Minecraft...

a picture of me after my first time skiing

Skiing for the first time made me realize how challenging it actually can be

Masyn Cole, Staff Writer February 23, 2021

Skiing was never an interest of mine until I met my boyfriend, Luke. The idea of skiing never came to mind. There isn’t a reason why I didn’t want to attempt skiing. I was told by friends that when...

"Roadtrip" song cover

The excitement of a new beginning in the song “Roadtrip” was let down by a bad ending

Masyn Cole, Staff Writer February 16, 2021

Earlier this year, YouTuber and Twitch streamer Dream released the song “Roadtrip,” which features PmBata. While the song gained substantial popularity from Dream’s large following, I did not hear...

SNEAKO, Coryxkenshin, and Hannah Meloche

Whether it’s just something to watch or an inspiration, these YouTubers are the greatest choice

Masyn Cole, Staff Writer February 11, 2021

Sophomore Luke Brown finds himself enjoying the video games similar to those of his favorite YouTuber, famous influencer Coryxkenshin.   Coryxkenshin, a YouTuber with over 8.5 million subscribers,...

Living in the moment in my horses quiet stall without worries rushing through my head.

The silence in my head demands constant noise

Masyn Cole, Staff Writer February 10, 2021

A single second isolated is the cause of my thoughts swirling. I’ve come to the conclusion that I can’t live in the moment or sit and be still. It’s challenging for me to be in one place outside...

Glass Animals' "Dreamland" album cover

Glass Animals’ song “Heat Waves” gave me all the feels

Masyn Cole, Staff Writer February 1, 2021

Recently, Glass Animals’ song “Heat Waves” has grown drastically in popularity. I remember hearing parts of the music on TikTok first, mostly because it started as a prevalent trend amongst Minecraft...

Me when I was younger in my dinosaur pajamas

My phases vary over time

Masyn Cole, Staff Writer January 25, 2021

As a child, I went through varied phases. These stages continue to change with age and maturity.   As I continue to grow in and out of these phases, I notice that I look back on some of them and feel...

After We Collided movie cover

After We Collided showed the highs and lows of an interesting relationship

Masyn Cole, Staff Writer January 18, 2021

I have never thought a relationship between two characters in a movie was annoying and cute at the same time.  Netflix’s After We Collided is a prequel that follows the first Netflix Original, After....

I have an impenetrable brawl with focusing

I have an impenetrable brawl with focusing

Masyn Cole, Staff Writer January 11, 2021

School is the most challenging position to be put in for someone like me. The work that is given to me at school is overwhelming. I can never sit down, relax, and pound it out for an hour. Slight distractions...

Me and my horse, Vito, and our unstoppable bond.

A connection with a horse is like a relationship with a person

Masyn Cole, Staff Writer December 16, 2020

I’ve never experienced a meaningful bond with a pet until I started riding horses.  A bond with a person is nothing compared to a bond with a horse. It’s almost as if I can communicate with someone...

Dolittle cured my rather uninventive taste in movies

Dolittle cured my rather uninventive taste in movies

Masyn Cole, Staff Writer December 9, 2020

The Universal Pictures movie Dolittle is perfect for a movie night with family.  This movie is not something I would typically choose to watch on my own. Not out of fear that the film may be frightening...

Anna Freihofer pursues her dream in film making

Anna Freihofer pursues her dream in film making

Masyn Cole, Staff Writer December 4, 2020

Senior Anna Freihofer was originally planning a future in business school, not knowing her path may lead her in a different direction.   For the past few years, Anna had been thinking about taking...

My picture wall grows as I do

My picture wall grows as I do

Masyn Cole, Staff Writer December 2, 2020

There was an empty space.  The wall in my room was blank, and now it seems to keep growing; it grows as I do.  It’s as if the pictures are vines, vines that grow and twist all over the empty...

The way thoughts can trick our minds

The way thoughts can trick our minds

Masyn Cole, Staff Writer November 12, 2020

There’s a rush through your body as you freeze in place. Your chest is tight, and you can’t breathe. Your mind takes over, and you begin to overthink. You start to cry and panic. You attempt to find...

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