Why did you decide to apply for FHC Inspires?
I thought it would be fun to do one final show this year :))
What made you want to be a director rather than a speaker?
I have experience backstage and with running shows and knew I could use that experience to make this show the best it could be. I also have extreme stage fright 😬
What has the planning process been like?
There have been a lot of tasks that each of us has been assigned to do, ranging from ordering balloons to making our pre-show slideshow. Our student directors have put a lot of time and effort into making sure we’ve done all the tasks Mr. George has given us and ensuring the speakers have everything they need.
What does FHC Inspires mean to you?
FHC Inspires isn’t all about what goes on during the show day, nor is it about people speaking onstage. It’s the country music we play during the rehearsals and the speakers dancing to said music. It’s the way all speakers, student directors, and everyone involved laugh and enjoy time with each other, regardless of who we are outside of this show. It’s Cambrie yelling “GEORGE!” in a British accent and Gianna singing Hamilton songs. To me, this show means meeting new people. This show means connectivity. This show means influencing those in the audience, but also influencing ourselves.
What do you hope people take away from FHC Inspires?
I hope people are inspired by the words of our 30 sophomores. I hope they laugh, cry, and overall leave with a smile on their face. Everyone involved has put in so much effort and I hope audience members can tell.
Whose TED Talk are you most excited to watch and why?
I’m overall excited to watch everyone’s TED Talks. Mr. George picked a lot of great students, but a couple that I’m especially excited about are Paulie Erickson’s and Emmy Norton’s talks. Paulie has a funny talk that I believe many audience members will enjoy. Emmy is performing spoken poetry and I believe it’ll be a good break from regular TED Talks. Everyone is doing amazing, and each of them is working so hard to perfect their talks. I hope people come out to support people like Paulie and Emmy!

Why did you decide to apply for FHC Inspires?
I wanted to stay involved with the school and saw the opportunity and took it. I decided that it would be fun to be in the behind-the-scenes of the TED Talks.
What made you want to be a director rather than a speaker?
I decided to sign up for both and overall ended up getting the director which I wouldn’t change. It has been so fun so far and has kept me and the other two directors very busy. It’s an experience that I will never regret doing.
What has the planning process been like?
The planning process has been a lot. We started off with doing a lot of meetings with Mr. George about what to do and what the expectations are for us and the speakers. Each of us designed the programs, posters, and pens, and had one of the speakers help design the shirts. We also watch each TED talk and help make them better. There’s a lot more behind-the-scenes we do to make this show the best it can be.
What does FHC Inspires mean to you?
FHC Inspires means a lot to me not only does the Talk change everyone’s perspectives but also helps everyone involved even people not involved to connect with the speaker and what they are trying to convey to the audience. Also during the run-throughs we not only watch the speakers but we sing, dance, and always have fun even what the outcomes are during the speeches.
What do you hope people take away from FHC Inspires?
I hope to take away from FHC Inspires not only the topics that are being talked about but also the experience we get just from being a part of this experience. Being able to sit and watch the TED talks progressively get better and having fun at each run-through just shows how much of an experience this is for everyone.
Whose TED Talk are you most excited to watch and why?
I’m mostly excited to watch everyone, they all are really good already but will continue to get better until the show. Every single one has an amazing message they want the audience to take away and I hope they can get that message across. So come and see FHC Inspires and see all the amazing 30 speakers on May 28th at seven pm.

What made you want to be a director rather than a speaker?
I have never really liked public speaking and just doing the Ted Talks in front of a few classes was difficult for me so I wasn’t really interested in speaking in front of even more people than that. I have however always loved leading and organizing these kinds of events and since APUSH is over I have a lot more free time.
What has the planning process been like?
It has definitely been a lot of work but I have enjoyed it. Pretty much from the second we were picked as directors, we started work on the show, with early morning meetings and trying to communicate with all the speakers we have been busy planning even before the speakers started rehearsals. The good thing about all of the directors this year is that we all put a ton of effort into all of the tasks that we do and we are all passionate about helping the show to run smoothly.
What does FHC Inspires mean to you?
I think that the amazing part about FHC Inspires is that it’s pretty much all student run. Obviously we have Mr George running it with us but the Ted Talks were all made by students who have busy lives outside of the show. When they are at rehearsals and eventually the show, they are able to put that all behind them and just be themselves and teach people about a topic they are passionate about. It’s also not just about the talks. It’s about the environment that is created within the show. Every rehearsal we have had so far has been so fun and I always look forward to going to them.
What do you hope people take away from FHC Inspires?
I hope people appreciate how hard everyone in FHC Inspires has worked to put on this amazing show and that people are inspired by the amazing talks given.
Whose TED Talk are you most excited to watch and why?
I am excited to watch everyone’s ted talk because I know how much work and effort each person is putting in. I am most excited to see Emmy Nortons Ted Talk because her spoken word poetry is very powerful and Aubrey Sielers because she captures the audience’s attention with her humor.

Connecting Your Environment to Memory
Why did you decide to apply for Inspires?
I heard a ton of positive things about Inspires from my friends who did it last year, and it seemed like an influential and rewarding experience. I enjoy public speaking, and I had a lot of fun writing my original TED Talk, so Inspires really appealed to me as something that I would enjoy doing.
What process did you go through to write your Talk?
I went through a lot of brainstorming: just writing down bullet points of random ideas, planning out my stories, and trying to build connections. I wrote an initial outline of my speech and kept heavily revising it during the two weeks of TED Talks. I memorized it in chunks (starting with the introduction and conclusion and then filling in the middle) and I would run through it two to three times a day in various settings. I created my slideshow as I was writing my TED Talk and I continued to practice it with different groups of people.
How are you feeling about FHC Inspires?
I am so excited for Inspires! Every single person speaking this year is incredibly gifted and has very interesting topics, and I cannot wait to see everyone crush their Talks. I am definitely a little nervous because I’ve never spoken in front of a large crowd before, but overall, I’m very proud of everyone and I am so grateful to have this experience.
What does your message mean to you?
My overall message is that your environment has the ability to connect you to your memories, and having a link between your memories and your surroundings minimizes the chance of forgetting your past. I moved around a lot when I was younger, and it’s very important to me that I don’t lose any of those experiences. I was a little kid, so some of my memories are fuzzy, but throughout all of my different homes, being surrounded by water was something that stayed the same. Because I was surrounded by a constant environment, I can remember water-related events, like boating, a lot better than normal ones, like going to school. I want to remember my past to better enjoy the present and to be able to appreciate the diverse experiences I’ve had, and this cognitive link eases the heavy nostalgia and bittersweet emotions I sometimes feel. It means a lot to be able to connect with other people who’ve lived in different places and let them know that they aren’t alone in wanting to retain those memories and that there are ways to hold on to them while living in the present.
What do you hope people take away from your Ted Talk?
I hope that people are encouraged to examine their own store of memories and look for connections between them and the environments they’ve been in. Forgetting something is an unpleasant feeling and it’s empowering to know that your brain already forms some helpful cognitive reminders to help you. I reinforce Olaf’s concept of water memory frequently, and I hope that if people aren’t convinced that liquid water has cognitive recognition, then they are persuaded that your natural surroundings can build bridges within your long-term memory. This is more of a psychological and scientific concept, but I think that it is important that people are aware of this link so that they can maximize its usefulness in the future.
Who else’s Ted Talk are you most excited to watch and why?
Everyone’s Talk is amazing, and I couldn’t be more thrilled to watch them all! However, I am particularly looking forward to seeing spoken poetry performed live, I absolutely love Ella Peirce’s and Addy Quinn’s, and I think that Rosary Wever, Lili Townes, Lindsey Fortino, and Olivia Latunski all have really unique, interesting topics.

Why did you decide to apply for Inspires?
My mom said I should, and I really enjoyed presenting my ‘lil chat.
What process did you go through to write your Talk?
I just put a few milestone slides in my presentation to keep me on track, but otherwise, I just improvise.
How are you feeling about FHC Inspires?
A little nervous but also excited.
What does your message mean to you?
It gives me something to reflect on for personal growth.
What do you hope people take away from your TED Talk?
That even the smallest choices can have huge repercussions.
Who else’s TED Talk are you most excited to watch and why?
Max [Reinhardt]’s because I wasn’t able to get out of my third hour to watch his before.

Why YOU Should Use Old Person Phrases!
Why did you decide to apply for Inspires?
I decided to apply for Inspires because I thought my topic could provide a break that was humorous but still informative.
What process did you go through to write your Talk?
I drafted my Talk on [Google] Docs and went through several stages of editing for progression and transitions.
How are you feeling about FHC Inspires?
I am feeling good and confident about FHC Inspires.
What does your message mean to you?
My talk has little message, but it is all completely connected to me. I use these old phrases daily, and all the points I brought up are legitimate uses. This talk is literally about what I say and how I act every day.
What do you hope people take away from your TED Talk?
I hope people can realize the value of saying or doing things that they deem unorthodox.
Who else’s TED Talk are you most excited to watch and why?
I’m most excited to watch Max [Reinhardt]’s talk because I thoroughly enjoyed watching it the first time and I love his intro where he talks about Dinosaurs.

Closing the Gap
Why did you decide to apply for Inspires?
After my TED Talk in the lecture hall, I thought that it went really well, and I had fun doing it. So, that really pushed me over the edge, and I ended up applying. Another reason I decided to apply was because my mom really wanted me to do it.
What process did you go through to write your Talk?
The process was a lot of me sitting down and thinking of personal stories that I could tell to be more entertaining in my TED Talk. It took a few hours for me to think of the stories and how I could connect them to everything that I wanted to talk about.
How are you feeling about FHC Inspires?
I’m feeling excited about it. I’ve been extremely busy with a bunch of school work and crew that I have to do, so I’m a little bit nervous, but other than that, I’m very excited for it.
What does your message mean to you?
My message means to me that I need to sometimes be less lazy and go out and do that extra work that I could do to better myself.
What do you hope people take away from your TED Talk?
I hope that people will find ways that they can better themselves and be the best that they can be.
Who else’s TED Talk are you most excited to watch and why?
I’m excited to watch Julian [Fernandez]’s TED Talk because he uses a lot of humor in it.

What is Everything?
Why did you decide to apply for Inspires?
To Practice Public Speaking and Seek Out a New Experience.
What process did you go through to write your Talk?
My imagination fueled everything.
How are you feeling about FHC Inspires?
Nervous but sure.
What does your message mean to you?
It means a different perspective and an expansion of thoughts into the known universe and society.
What do you hope people take away from your TED Talk?
To see the world and society differently.
Who else’s TED Talk are you most excited to watch and why?
Ford Fauson’s: I think it has a great message, and he’s a pretty good speaker, so I’d like to see the reaction of the audience to it.

I’m Not My Last Name
Why did you decide to apply for Inspires?
I wanted to share this topic with more people; it is not a topic you hear about every day.
What process did you go through to write your Talk?
I wrote down everything I felt about the topic over the years, and then I organized it in a way that people could relate to and [think] about.
How are you feeling about FHC Inspires?
I’m excited but a little nervous. I’m a good public speaker, but I have never spoken in front of this many people.
What does your message mean to you?
My message means equality and validation, starting with something as pure as family and extending all the way up to school.
What do you hope people take away from your TED Talk?
After my TED Talk, I hope people feel emotional and are left wondering if they feel shadowed or put in people in a shadow.
Who else’s TED Talk are you most excited to watch and why?
I am most excited to watch Addy Quinn’s; I love her topic of social norms. It’s something that a lot of people get nervous to [talk about], and I am excited to see her take on it.

How Hope Impacts People’s Lives
Why did you decide to apply for Inspires?
I would like to change someone’s life for the better. If I had heard this talk a few years ago, it may have pulled me out of the place I was in at the time sooner.
What process did you go through to write your Talk?
I just had to look back at my life and think about how I needed to be vulnerable because there are so many people hurting like I was, and I would like to change [that]. I’ve known what I wanted to say for years; I just had to format it to the place it needed to go .
How are you feeling about FHC Inspires?
Good; I am a bit nervous, but I think I will do great, so I just need to keep giving myself positive affirmations and practicing.
What does your message mean to you?
It means [my] past pain, journey, and change; it means changing someone’s life and giving someone hope and motivation.
What do you hope people take away from your TED Talk?
I hope [people] take away that no matter where you are in your life, you are never too far down to get back up and start again.
Who else’s TED Talk are you most excited to watch and why?
Yasmin Tomaz: She is my best friend, and her topic is wonderful. It is a great story to share with people who have had changes in their lives.

Educate Yourself
Why did you decide to apply for Inspires?
I’ve always liked the arts and presentations but never really felt like I had the time, but I decided that now was the time to try new things and see what happens! I’m really excited for the show and to support everyone!
What process did you go through to write your Talk?
My original talk was created to be informative. It was about the lovable dugong creature, but now I’ve adapted it, so the dugongs are a portion of the talk that urges the audience to be more open to learning something new, particularly to learn a new perspective on a topic they think they have mastery on.
How are you feeling about FHC Inspires?
I’m excited for Inspires! May is always a busy month with school and sports, but the 28th is definitely a highlight that is keeping me going.
What does your message mean to you?
This message is meaningful because it’s relatable to everyone’s lives. It has the potential to enhance people’s understanding of a topic and thus develop more empathy.
What do you hope people take away from your TED Talk?
I hope that people are able to apply my message to deepen their understanding of a topic they love.
Who else’s TED Talk are you most excited to watch and why?
I’m excited to watch everyone’s talks and the additions made to enhance them. But I’m most interested in seeing Emmy Norton’s because it’s spoken poetry, which I find very cool, and I haven’t seen her perform it before.

My Favorite Chapter
Why did you decide to apply for Inspires?
I want people to see that pets aren’t just animals. My cat was my whole world and even though he couldn’t speak, we understood each other better than anyone else could [understand me].
What process did you go through to write your Talk?
I knew I wanted to write about my cat. He deserved more than I ever gave him, and I needed to give back to him somehow. It might not make a ton of sense, but I didn’t feel the same passion or emotion with any other topic that I tried.
How are you feeling about FHC Inspires?
I’m really scared but at the same time, I literally can not wait. I feel like mine might not be the star of the show, but I’m so glad I have the chance to spread my message.
What does your message mean to you?
It means the world to me. [My cat] means the world to me. I think I would be a completely different person if my cat wasn’t present in my life. My message shows how he changed me and why I love him so much. Not only will Inspires be a way to help me through the grief that I have held onto for way too long, but it will also be a way to touch and influence strangers like I never have before.
What do you hope people take away from your TED Talk?
I hope people can see value in their pets and see them as so much more than just acquaintances or annoyances. I definitely know some people who treat their pets like this, and it breaks my heart. It’s their first and only time living too, and they deserve so much more than we give them.
Who else’s Ted Talk are you most excited to watch and why?
I’m excited to watch everyone’s. I’ve seen a couple of people’s already, but I would not mind watching them again at all. Everyone’s topic looks really interesting and I can’t wait to see how it’s going to go!

How to Effectively Argue
Why did you decide to apply for Inspires?
I believed it would be a fun opportunity and it could help me expand my horizons a little bit.
What process did you go through to write your Talk?
I started by talking to my mom because she knows a lot about my topic. After that, I made the slides and found pictures, facts, and other pieces of evidence to help support my Talk.
How are you feeling about FHC Inspires?
I am really nervous but also excited at the same time.
What does your message mean to you?
I argue with my sister a lot and it used to drive us apart. I hated that, so I learned how to help avoid that. That’s why this topic is important to me.
What do you hope people take away from your TED Talk?
I hope people can have more productive arguments that don’t destroy their relationships.
Who else’s TED Talk are you most excited to watch and why?
I am really excited to watch Paulie’s TED Talk. It seems super fun and creative!

I Am Not the Best
Why did you decide to apply for Inspires?
Originally, I didn’t want to apply for FHC Inspires because I have never been great at public speaking, but after my sister convinced me to do it, I realized I should.
What process did you go through to write your Talk?
I filled out a basic outline of what I wanted to say, made a slideshow, and then changed certain parts as I rehearsed it.
How are you feeling about FHC Inspires?
I’m excited to have the opportunity to be involved in FHC Inspires, but I’m still a bit nervous about giving the presentation in front of such a big crowd.
What does your message mean to you?
To me, realizing that I am never going to be the best of the best at the things I do helped me keep getting better without getting bummed about losing a game or getting a bad grade here and there.
What do you hope people take away from your TED Talk?
I hope they realize that instead of trying to be the best of the best, you should start with trying to be the best in your league, then the next, then the next after that. Don’t stop working hard and trying to be the best, but work your way up.
Who else’s TED Talk are you most excited to watch and why?
I’m most excited about watching Ford’s. I saw his first Talk in the lecture hall and I thought it was really good. I’m excited to see what he changed from the first one.

The Importance of Journaling
Why did you decide to apply for Inspires?
After my Talk in the lecture hall, I realized how impactful a TED Talk was and how much I wanted to teach other people about journaling.
What process did you go through to write your Talk?
I struggled at first with finding a topic, but then I was advised to think of something that I enjoy doing and something that has helped me in my life. So, my box full of journals at home gave me the idea.
How are you feeling about FHC Inspires?
I am feeling pretty nervous but also excited to experience it.
What does your message mean to you?
It means that a positive outlet is very important in today’s society, and that is what a journal provides.
What do you hope people take away from your TED Talk?
I hope that people who haven’t tried journaling before, and the people that have and it didn’t work as well as they thought it did, would try it again because I know it can help people.
Who else’s TED Talk are you most excited to watch and why?
I am excited to watch Emmy [Norton]’s TED Talk because I really enjoyed her spoken poetry, and I am very interested in watching others whom I didn’t get to see before.

The Truth of a Student (Spoken Poetry)
Why did you decide to apply for Inspires?
I decided to apply because I had no idea my poetry would impact people the way it did when I first presented it in the lecture hall. I never thought I would present in front of a giant audience without being forced, but here I am! I am so excited for May 28th and to try to help many adults think differently about the stress students have, and maybe even help other students see that they are not alone.
What process did you go through to write your Talk?
While writing my Talk, even though it is still in the editing process, I felt nervous that people wouldn’t relate to it in the way that I hoped for, but after I performed it, I saw the impact I made on many students’ lives.
How are you feeling about FHC Inspires?
I am definitely more nervous than excited at this point, but I know I am ready because of all the support I have from friends and family.
What do you hope people take away from your TED Talk?
I feel that my message is crucial for students and parents. From the parents’ point of view, they haven’t endured this type of school stress day to day recently, so I hope to open their eyes to what many students, like myself, feel like frequently. For students, I hope they can find some security in my poem and know that they are not alone and that they are not the only ones struggling.
Who else’s TED Talk are you most excited to watch and why?
There are so many I am excited to see. I am most excited about Aubrey Sieler’s, Addy Quinn’s, Ella Peirce’s, and Malia McKenzie’s!

Not Sure Yet
Why did you decide to apply for Inspires?
I wanted to take the opportunity to grow as a public speaker and push myself to try new things.
What process did you go through to write your Talk?
I started by trying to find a good introduction or hook that could tie into my topic to make it unique and really connect with the person listening. Then, I just tried to make points that connect with the viewers.
How are you feeling about FHC Inspires?
Nervous but also excited.
What does your message mean to you?
To me, it is an issue that applies to everyone and has to be overcome at some point. It is a topic that I feel everyone can relate to and is a great way for people to push themselves to grow.
What do you hope people take away from your TED Talk?
I hope that people can learn how to step outside of their comfort zone and stop limiting themselves.
Who else’s TED Talk are you most excited to watch and why?
Hayden [Lutz]’s because I know how much her topic means to her.

Find Your Passion
Why did you decide to apply for Inspires?
I decided to apply for Inspires because of the great experience I had with my initial TED Talk. Going into this school year, I was absolutely terrified of public speaking. For my TED Talk, I pushed myself to get out of my comfort zone and try to be confident. After I was done with my talk, I knew that I wanted to bring my topic to Inspires. I think it’s a message that everyone needs to hear. I am so excited to share my talk with everyone!
What process did you go through to write your Talk?
I started to write my introduction first because I knew that I wanted to start my talk with a personal story. From there, I mostly built my Talk around my personal experience and then added statistics and pictures to my slides.
How are you feeling about FHC Inspires?
I am very excited, but I’m also super nervous. I’ve never done anything like this before, so I hope it goes well. Overall, I am just very grateful for the opportunity, and I hope to make a difference.
What does your message mean to you?
The message I’m delivering helped me get out of a depressive slump a year ago, so it’s very close to my heart. It’s something that I needed to realize during that time, and it took so long for me to become myself again without anything to live for. Having a passion is incredibly important.
What do you hope people take away from your TED Talk?
After watching my talk, I hope people decide to take risks in their lives and try to make their days a little bit better by trying to live fully and not just survive day by day.
Who else’s TED Talk are you most excited to watch and why?
I am so excited to see Lindsey Fortino’s talk! I haven’t seen it yet, but her topic sounds so interesting, and I can’t wait to see her absolutely kill it at Inspires!

Mental Health is Physical Health
Why did you decide to apply for Inspires?
I decided to apply because I believe that my Talk has an important message that I want to share with more people.
What process did you go through to write your talk?
I went through the process of researching data and thinking about what pieces of information would hit the hardest with the audience.
How are you feeling about FHC Inspires?
I’m feeling very, very nervous. Originally, I was excited, but as it becomes more real, I get more scared.
What does your message mean to you?
To me, my message means a lot because mental health is something I’ve struggled with myself, and I think spreading awareness of the other ways that it affects the body will create more understanding around the topic.
What do you hope people take away from your TED Talk?
I hope people walk away from my talk with a deeper understanding of mental illness, as well as its causes and effects. Also, I hope they walk away with more empathy for people with mental illness and people in general.
Who else’s TED Talk are you most excited to watch and why?
I’m very excited to watch Emmy Norton’s TED Talk because we are good friends, but I’m not in her class, so I haven’t seen it. It’s spoken poetry, which I love, so I’m excited to listen to her talk.

Turn Your Selfishness into Kindness
Why did you decide to apply for Inspires?
I saw Inspires last year and I thought it was so cool how motivated I felt afterward. I wanted to do the same for other people, and being a part of FHC Inspires is a great way to do that!
What process did you go through to write your Talk?
I was super honest with myself about how I treat others and how others treat me
How are you feeling about FHC Inspires?
I’m so nervous.
What does your message mean to you?
I really feel like people need to be nicer.
What do you hope people take away from your TED Talk?
[I hope] they’re nicer.
Who else’s TED Talk are you most excited to watch and why?
I’m really excited to see Max Reinhardt’s because he’s doing a funny bit at the end.

Social Norms
Why did you decide to apply for Inspires?
I wanted to challenge myself and my public speaking abilities. I wanted to take my public speaking to the next level, and I thought a way to achieve that would be to apply for FHC Inspires.
What process did you go through to write your Talk?
I spent a lot of my time researching how social norms began and when it all became such a habit in human beings. My slide show did not occupy much of my time because I only had three slides but that meant most of the attention would be directed at me and all eyes would be on me throughout my whole three-minute talk, so I needed to be sure that what I choose to say was coming across to the whole audience.
How are you feeling about FHC Inspires?
I am nervous to express my TED Talk in front of such a large audience, but I’m also not only thrilled but grateful that I was chosen to experience something so special as this.
What does your message mean to you?
My message symbolizes how, when I first moved to Grand Rapids, my biggest fear was not fitting in. I felt such a constant need to do as others and be like others, but then I began to realize that everyone around me does the exact same thing; they all feel the need to fit in as well. I was so worried about not being able to fit in myself that I never realized that every other student around me felt the same nervous pressure I do. So, I wanted to share with these high school students as they continue going through high school to be more aware of themselves and how they are being reflected to themselves rather than how they are being reflected on to others.
What do you hope people take away from your TED Talk?
To feel less anxious about needing to fit in. Today, in our society, we make people feel like the only way to have friends is to be in a friend group, or the only way to have a relationship is to be “normal.” So what I want my audience to take away from my TED Talk is that you don’t need to be anything; if you like following the social norms, follow them; if you don’t want to, don’t. Live for yourself, and be a reflection of yourself, not others.
Who else’s TED Talk are you most excited to watch and why?
I’m excited to watch Lindsey Fortino’s TED Talk because we do not have the same teacher, so I have not seen her TED Talk yet, and I have heard so many positive comments about it, so I can’t wait to hear it!

I Really, Really, Really Like Dinosaurs.
Why did you decide to apply for Inspires?
I’ve always loved public speaking.
What process did you go through to write your Talk?
I kinda made it up as I went along. Shh, don’t tell Mr. George.
How are you feeling about FHC Inspires?
Extremely stressed and nervous.
What do you hope people take away from your TED Talk?
People need to stop working so hard.
Who else’s TED Talk are you most excited to watch and why?
Definitely Cam [Penner]’s. He has a super interesting topic. Or Paulie [Erickson]’s because he also has a super creative topic.

Pets Improve Your Life Physically, Mentally, and Emotionally
Why did you decide to apply for Inspires?
I thought it would be a fun way to practice my public speaking skills.
What process did you go through to write your Talk?
I had to look up many studies online to find the most accurate information.
How are you feeling about FHC Inspires?
I’m super excited and feel honored to have been chosen, so I need to make sure to give the best Talk I can!
What does your message mean to you?
I think it shows people just how important your pets are to you from a scientific standpoint.
What do you hope people take away from your TED Talk?
[The idea] that pets are super amazing and help us out all the time.
Who else’s TED Talk are you most excited to watch and why?
I am super excited to watch Hayden Lutz’s TED Talk because her topic is similar to mine but more emotional. I can’t wait to watch her succeed and see what points she makes!

Battling Expectations
Why did you decide to apply for Inspires?
People have always told me that I’m naturally good at public speaking, and I felt intrigued to apply after my original TED Talk went really well.
What process did you go through to write your Talk?
It took about two weeks to plan. I had to write out my ideas and organize sub-topics under my main points. From there, I planned a bit of an intro and conclusion, but everything in between is not memorized.
How are you feeling about FHC Inspires?
I am really excited for Inspires.
What does your message mean to you?
It’s really personal to me because it is something that has affected me for a long time.
What do you hope people take away from your TED Talk?
I hope people understand that it’s okay to not always be the best
Who else’s TED Talk are you most excited to watch and why?
I am most excited to see Nick Derbin’s TED Talk because his original talk was very funny.

The Fear of Public Speaking
Why did you decide to apply for Inspires?
I had a lot of fun giving my TED Talk the first time and wanted to do it again. I also think Inspires is a great opportunity to grow my public speaking skills and maybe help others who have a fear of public speaking through my Talk.
What process did you go through to write your talk?
My TED Talk topic really came from my own fear of public speaking and the realization that it is nothing to be afraid of. I realized that so many people were afraid to give their TED Talk, so I decided to make my Talk about how public speaking should be seen as an opportunity instead of something to be afraid of.
How are you feeling about FHC Inspires?
I’m really excited to be able to give my Talk again to more people than the first time, and I’m really glad that I get to have this fun experience with my friends.
What does your message mean to you?
My message that public speaking should not be feared is something I think everyone should hear. Public speaking is such a powerful opportunity that we can do anything with if we use it right, and I think the first step in doing that is getting over the fear of it. After I got over my own fear of public speaking, I really started enjoying it and having fun with it.
What do you hope people take away from your TED Talk?
I hope people are no longer afraid of talking in front of people. I really want people to have fun with public speaking and use it as an opportunity instead of hating it.
Who else’s TED Talk are you most excited to watch and why?
I’m excited to watch Emmy Norton’s Talk. It’s a little bit different because it’s spoken poetry, but it’s really relatable and really cool to listen to. It’s about school and how it affects students, and I think it’s a really important message that people need to hear.

Taking Flight
Why did you decide to apply for Inspires?
I thought it would be a great way to challenge myself and prove that I could succeed in any high-pressure situation. I also did it because I really enjoyed doing my TED Talk for the first time and thought that having another chance to do my TED Talk would be great as I still had a lot I could have done better or things I could have switched around to sound better.
What process did you go through to write your Talk?
It took me a lot of time to figure out what I was going to do for my TED Talk. My Talk is very informational, so I knew that I would need to get my facts correct so I could teach relevant and correct information. I had to research a lot and even interview someone.
How are you feeling about FHC Inspires?
I’m not as nervous as I thought I would be but I know that as the inspires day gets closer that’s going to change.
What does your message mean to you?
It’s imperative to understand that things can go wrong and that it is best to be prepared in any situation. For me, being prepared is how I am able to stay afloat in life. Understanding that anything could go wrong at any moment is a very humbling realization, but I have found that knowing what to do can help de-escalate any situation.
What do you hope people take away from your TED Talk?
I hope that people will know what to do in case of an emergency mid-air, but I also hope that they understand that this, or anything [like it], could happen to even the best of us and that it is always best to be prepared.
Who else’s TED Talk are you most excited to watch and why?
I’m really excited to see Lindsay Fortino’s TED Talk. I can relate to her a lot. I, also, am the youngest sibling and have to live up to the standards and reputations that they have left behind here at the school. My mom is also a teacher here which means that many of the staff, administrators, and even students only see me as my last name as well.

Sticks and Stones May Break My Bones, but Words, They Cannot Hurt Me
Why did you decide to apply for Inspires?
I wanted to help people realize the power that their words have over others and how to use them wisely.
What process did you go through to write your Talk?
I had a basic idea in my head; I filled out a TED Talk outline and then just filled in the gaps.
How are you feeling about FHC Inspires?
Pretty excited but very nervous.
What does your message mean to you?
A lot! I’ve been hurt by words my whole life, but I’ve also been healed by them. So, getting people to understand the power their words have is something very important to me.
What do you hope people take away from your TED Talk?
That their words have power and that they need to think twice and use them wisely.
Who else’s TED Talk are you most excited to watch and why?
Kate [Hankins]’. She’s my best friend in the whole world, and I haven’t gotten to watch her Talk yet.

Romanticize Your Life
Why did you decide to apply for Inspires?
Mostly because it seemed like something fun to do. I really liked the idea of getting up in front of people and talking about something I’m passionate about. My TED Talk in the lecture hall was such a fun experience and I love the idea that I am able to continue that. I also just love to talk so the fact that I will be able to talk to over 300 people all at once really excites me.
What process did you go through to write your Talk?
Originally, my talk was about the fact that I am a hopeless romantic but when I was talking with Mr. George, we realized that not many people in the audience would be able to connect with that. So I adjusted it and ended up coming up with an almost entirely different topic. I was lying in bed one night when it hit me, and I grabbed my notebook and pen and wrote my entire thought process down.
How are you feeling about FHC Inspires?
I’m very nervous and slightly overwhelmed, but mostly, I’m excited. I feel like this is going to be a great experience. I’m so excited to see what everyone has put together and cannot wait to share my voice with the community.
What does your message mean to you?
I’ve always struggled with the concept that I was never going to be good enough. This Talk has made me reflect on that, as well as realize why I do certain things in my life. It has made me value the things I love most and recognize the negative aspects of my life that were making me feel incomplete.
What do you hope people take away from your TED Talk?
I want people to realize that they don’t need to achieve the unrealistic standards social media sets for them. I also want people to understand why they are doing things like making changes to their lives, rather than just doing it because that is what everyone else is doing.
Who else’s TED Talk are you most excited to watch and why?
Nick Durbin. He’s such a fun person and I am excited to see how this translates on stage since I’ve yet to actually see it.

My Disability is an Ability
Why did you decide to apply for Inspires?
I wanted to share my experience with others and maybe change how they view different disabilities.
What process did you go through to write your Talk?
My TED Talk is mostly made of my experiences. I went through the process of trying to explain what it feels like to people who don’t have those experiences.
How are you feeling about FHC Inspires?
Both nervous and excited.
What does your message mean to you?
My topic is something I’ve been carrying around with me literally since I was born. I’ve grown up my whole life learning and altering myself to fit my disabilities. Since they will always be with me, I figured it would help me and others to inform people.
Who else’s TED Talk are you most excited to watch and why?
Emmy Norton’s; I love her topic, and she is one of my dearest friends.

Meant To Be
Why did you decide to apply for Inspires?
Ever since I saw last year that FHC Inspires was a thing, I knew I wanted to do it. So, I chose to apply for it.
What process did you go through to write your Talk?
I subconsciously wrote my intro and conclusion first, and then I wrote all of the things in the middle. I think this helped me have a good beginning and end to my TED Talk.
How are you feeling about FHC Inspires?
I am changing some things in my TED Talk, so I am feeling a bit nervous, and there will also be more people, but I am excited at the same time to do it.
What does your message mean to you?
It means to me that there is a possibility of all things working out in my favor.
What do you hope people take away from your TED Talk?
I hope people can leave the Fine Arts Center thinking about their past experiences and choices that made their lives what they are today.
Who else’s TED Talk are you most excited to watch and why?
I am excited to see Addy Quinn’s because I didn’t get a chance to see it all, and I would love to see what it’s all about.

Spoken Poetry: The Hearts on My Sleeve
Why did you decide to apply for Inspires?
I have always loved public speaking, and I have often been told that my speaking has an effect on people, so I hoped to make an impact on a larger audience.
What process did you go through to write your Talk?
Frankly, I procrastinated until the last minute because of writer’s block. I sat down with myself and my observations of my milieu and simply began to write until the poem began to take shape on its own.
How are you feeling about FHC Inspires?
I’m excited, especially because I am doing it with my best friend, Lili Townes. I’m also nervous, though, because, despite my rarely being afraid to speak publicly, even in front of a large crowd, I was terrified for my TED Talk in the lecture hall.
What do you hope people take away from your TED Talk?
I hope that people feel less alone and less afraid to be honest with themselves about who they are
Who else’s TED Talk are you most excited to watch and why?
I’m excited for everyone’s [Talk], but especially Lili [Towne’s] and Rosary [Weaver]’s. They have both grown so much not only as public speakers but people as well throughout this year and I am thrilled to be able to see that in an environment like FHC Inspires.

Being Weird
Why did you decide to apply for Inspires?
I wanted to try doing my TED Talk for a larger audience. I also felt like I did not have enough passion my first time, and I wanted to have one more chance to give it everything I had.
What process did you go through to write your Talk?
I essentially had a lot of monologues in my head and I consolidated them until they fit the time frame and topic, and then I used my slides as an outline for what I would cover and the order I would talk.
How are you feeling about FHC Inspires?
I’m excited but worried that people will view my topic as cliché since the limited time does not allow as much depth.
What does your message mean to you?
It means feeling more free. My topic is pretty personal, even though I don’t get too specific about why. I feel like encouraging other people to grant themselves the freedom to be different forces me to follow my own advice so I don’t end up being a hypocrite.
What do you hope people take away from your TED Talk?
That even the weird things we do are important, and that people should not be ashamed of their passions.
Who else’s TED Talk are you most excited to watch and why?
Max Reinhardt’s because I missed seeing it when we were in the lecture hall, and his topic intrigues me.
- Addy Quinn
- Alexis Rietema
- Aubrey Sieler
- Audrey Milanowski
- Audrey VanSkiver
- Cambrie Smith
- Cameron Penner
- Chloe Cox
- Ella Peirce
- Ellie Stone
- Emmy Norton
- FHC Inspires
- FHC Inspires 2024
- Ford Fauson
- Georgia Miller
- Gianna Davidson
- Grant McLean
- Hayden Lutz
- Josie Nugent
- Julian Fernandez
- Kate Hankins
- Lili Townes
- Lily McMartin
- Lindsey Fortino
- Mady Scarlato
- Malia McKenzie
- Max Reinhardt
- Maylee Ohlman
- Molly Wolffis
- Nick Derbin
- Nova Wilson
- Olivia Latunski
- Paulie Erickson
- Rosary Wever
- TED talks
- Yasmin Tomaz