In the beginning, there was just a little seed.
It found its way to a patch of rich soil. The soil had everything that the little seed could have ever asked for. There was lots of water for when it was thirsty. There was food for when it was hungry. There was sunlight to keep it warm. And there were nearby seeds to keep it company.
The little seed was quite satisfied with this patch of soil. So much so that it took root right where the sun beat down the most. The little seed found its home.
The seed became comfortable quite quickly. It made companions with the other seedlings, who were also doing the same.
Together, the seeds all began to grow. What began as small roots just barely reaching out into the soil has transformed into an ambitious little sprout, smiling at the sun and drinking up the rain. Together, they laughed when thunder clapped and shivered as the wind blew past, but nothing made them leave their precious soil.
The little sprouts continued to grow. Though time was passing, it felt to them like none had passed at all. Their roots continued to take their place in the soil, reaching out to their fellow sprouts, coiling themselves around one another to make sure they never left each other. This is their home, and this is where they will stay.
More time passed and on a day when the sun was beating down far more than days past, the little sprouts became dandelions. Their white tufts almost glittered from the iridescent sunlight and the light dusting of rain from the day before. Their smiles never faded as their roots continued to wrap tightly around one another, gripping each other with such intensity that it could’ve snapped a wire.
The little dandelion was sure that it would never leave the soil. It was sure that it would see the same smiling tufts of white under the same beaming sun with the same pelting rain.
That was before, however.
Before the gust of wind left the dandelions crying in fear. The white tufts began to soar toward the sky, away from the little patch of rich soil it had known for so long.
The little dandelion began to panic. It knew no other life besides the one it lived thus far. It doesn’t know how to survive without its sun or its rain or its soil or its friends.
The dandelion feels completely alone.
Now, as a singular tuft of white floating aimlessly, the dandelion begins to find a new home. In this moment, the dandelion is determined to make things as close to the same as possible, searching tirelessly for a patch of soil just as perfect as the one before.
The wind stops one day, as the little dandelion settles on a new patch of soil. Suddenly, it feels as if the dandelion is once again a little seed desperate to take root. This soil is rich like the last. There is the same sun looking down at the little seed, and, with a gentle hand, caressing its cheek until the seed begins to drift asleep. The rain is the same, as it sprinkles around the little seed until it can almost swim.
There was only one thing missing: the seedling’s little friends. It looked around at what seemed like a desolate patch of soil, even though it knew that every corner of the world is gifted with life.
The little seedling decided that it was no matter; she would make do.