TCT’s The Countless Thanks 2021: Gigi Sinicrope

Grace Sinicrope – for creating who I am today

I didn’t realize how much I needed you until Loyola stole you. They took each and every morning sharing the mirror, the ten minutes before we went to sleep where you would come sit on the end of my bed. They took my most honest fashion critique and my hairstylist. Mostly though, they took my greatest role model. Thank you for showing me who I want to be. Thank you for the endless car rides. Thank you for every smoothie you brought me home from work. You are the reason I am tough. You have given me my sense of humor. Leaving showed me all the things that I miss most. I miss our sporadic workouts and having you to my left on the glass, circle table when we found time for family dinner. I have, in some sense, lacked in my expression of gratitude toward you in the past. I hope you know how much you mean to me.

Dailey Tucker – for giving me all the smiles I can ask for

Writing this a year ago, my thanks would have ended at “thank you for the rides and being nice to me at soccer.” But now, I have so much more to thank you for. We have grown so close so quickly. There is absolutely no possible way I would have survived freshman soccer season without you. From the first day, you made me feel welcomed and, you have never made me feel looked down upon because you are older. I can’t even begin to explain the little things. The car rides, the smoothie runs, the workouts, cauliflower crust pizza nights—I could list endlessly. Each time I step down from the passenger seat of Fiona, a smile is plastered across my face. You’re the first to hear about the minor struggles and inconveniences in my life and you never downplay them. You have granted me confidence not only in soccer but in life. Immediate despair approaches when even thinking about when you will walk out of the school and move on, leaving me seated in my classroom. Even then, I know you will always have my back, and I can’t express how lucky I am to have you in my life. I owe endless happiness to you.

Josie Crosse – for welcoming me into your family

Since the first day we became friends, I felt invited to become part of your life. As I sat in on family dinners, vacations, and even your little sisters dance recitals, I felt a part of your people. As your parents grew accustomed to me being seated at your kitchen table as they walked in the door, I knew our friendship was one that is hard to come by. Ours is one based off of a mutual understanding that no matter what, we have each other. I am most thankful for that. I know no one else with the type of open heart you own. I am thankful to have that in my life. You offer me the completion of myself. You are the purest person. You have established yourself as my travel partner, ski buddy, golf instructor, workout acquaintance, the list is pages long. As years build onto our friendship, you help me understand what is meant by life-long friendships; ours fills my description. I see no deadline to our partnership. I find myself struggling to imagine even the duration of high school without you walking in step by step by my side. I am forever grateful to have you in my life now and love watching our relationship continue to bloom. 

Sloane Corey – for understanding what’s embarrassing 

We share similar ideas and concerns. When I come to you with a minor infraction others push aside, you tend to agree and validate it. You may be the only person who truly understands the endless life experiences that are just humiliating. As seemingly minuscule as this sounds, this reassurance is so beneficial to my life. I really think everyone else would just think I’m crazy. I am thankful for our real talk. You just get it. I have opened up to you in ways that with others I feel so vulnerable, and yet I never feel information held over my head. I’m thankful for all of our nights staying up until 4 a.m just talking about anything and everything. I’m thankful that you are one of the only friends that can cook with me and for all of the facials and hair stylings. Thank you for never letting me go in public looking a mess. You offer a type of humor to my life that I can’t seem to find anywhere else. I love doing life with you. 

Haley Ward and Ayla Thompson – for never failing to make me laugh

In the simplest terms, I am always dying of laughter in either of your company, and I am thankful for that. I can’t even tell if you guys try to be funny. It’s like a look or a small phrase, but my stomach will ache, and I will feel light headed as I endlessly laugh my ugly, breathy laugh in your presence. No matter my mood, just the term “Jiyncks” makes me smile. Spending hours in cars driving to various soccer fields, you two make it much more bearable. I am beyond lucky to have your stories and smiles. 

Maggie Kelderman and Anna Thornburg – for having my back

For the jokes and for the late nights, I am thankful. I am thankful for the loyalty I have found in your friendships. Maggie, for each and every basketball practice filled with laughs. Anna, for the talks, summer runs, and moments filled with online classes last year. I am thankful for the joy you contribute to my life. With you two, I can exemplify my true self. You surpass judgement, and welcome me to be whoever I want to be. I love having that in my life.  

Ana Gary and Lydia Gurley – for the thirty long minutes spent in the lunch room daily

Sitting between the two of you at our somewhat strange lunch table, you both make it fun. Ana, thank you for having my back and being honest with me. It makes you the easiest person to open up to. Thank you for the sleepovers and late night swims at the neighborhood pool. Lydia, you make me laugh, most of the time I think with zero intention of doing so. Thank you for the fun summer you helped create and yelling at the top of your lungs with me in the student section. I’m lucky to have you both in my life.

Zenash Cummings – for showing me what hard work is

You offer your one-hundred percent work in all things. Your ability forces me to be the best version of myself I can muster. I am thankful for your friendly competition. You push me more than anyone else I know. But yet, you manage to be the kindest friend. Our friendship is a balance. In competing in almost everything we do, it has managed to be lighthearted in manner. When I am upset rather frequently at basketball, you tend to share the frustration and yet, never fail to console me. I owe a great amount of my athletic success to you, as well as my mindset. I am more than thankful I get to share the floor with you again.  

Syd Ryan and Brooke Bowers – for making first hour bearable

Syd, I can’t quite place where our friendship began. It fluctuates and molds. As we grow, it grows with us. I am thankful I have found a friend like you in my life. You make me feel important and interesting, and I really just love that. We have grown up next to each other. I am grateful I have gotten to watch you become the confident, kind person you are today. Brooke, my first hour would be awful without you. Thank you for dissecting our weekends with me every Monday morning. You never fail to produce fun nights, and I’m thankful we get to experience it together.    

My parents – for putting me first

I think I take advantage of your willingness to come and aid my every need. I don’t even know if I’m always conscious of it. It’s so effortless. You never even second guess it. It’s just natural. Dropping things to drive me, washing any article of clothing I need whenever I ask, changing what we eat to meet my needs, traveling all over and wasting your weekends for my soccer. I couldn’t even name it all if I tried. My life contains rhythm because you are a part of it. You are my constant. When I mess up or break, you take the parts and piece me back together. You pick me up when I fall. You two are the parents everyone wants but only some are lucky enough to have. I am annoyed by your rules and seemingly strict style sometimes, but it is all in an effort to keep me safe. I am thankful to have people who care about me like you do in my life. 

Mr. George – for believing in me

In the few months we have been in class, WFP or Honors English 10, you have created a sanctuary in your classroom. I look forward to fourth and sixth hour when I get to walk to your room and become myself. You have managed to install a new confidence in me these past few months. Whether in basketball, writing, public speaking, or just my personality within itself, you encourage me to be just who I am, to pretend for no one. I am thankful to have you as a mentor.   

My soccer teams – for giving me a life

Soccer – we have a love-hate relationship. I love you for the identity you have become. I love you for the leader you help me embody, for the fitness you create, for the distraction you have become. You are my escape from life. On the soccer field, I am nothing but a player, I am thankful for that. But, I hate you for the strain you place on my body. For the time you steal. For the stress you encourage. For the heartbreak you provide. But I couldn’t give in to these weights even in my strongest attempts. No matter the frustration, I am thankful for the struggle, those of which have added more to me than even the positives.  

High school – this program has given me the young women I admire the most, I thank RGSO for that. I have never walked away from a season and missed it so much. As much as I am thankful for the opportunity to play soccer, my true thanks comes in the character molding experience I am now a part of. The greatest thank you to any girl who drove me anywhere; thank you for including me. I’m thankful for the respect I felt from all of the girls and coaches. With all the opportunities to put me down and make me feel like a younger, little girl, I felt as much a part of the team as any other. Thank you, RGSO, for giving me a family.

Midwest United – I owe Midwest United a great deal for my athletic successes. I have experienced tough love in coaching, and though at times, yes, my feelings were hurt, I wouldn’t change any of it. I am the player I am now as a result of some of my talented coaches. But the greatest effect Midwest has placed on my life is the lifelong friendships I have discovered. Uncovering my unit of friends through long weekend trips and a mutual dislike for opposing players, I have found some of my best friends. I owe that to Midwest.  

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