The eight-hour necessity Q&As: Alex D’Alexander

Name: Alex D’Alexander

Grade: 9

When do you normally go to bed and wake up?

“[Around] 11:30 p.m. and I wake up pretty early. I wake up at like 5:30 a.m.”

Would you say that you have a consistent sleep schedule?


What do you do when you can’t fall asleep?

“I have sleeping medicine.”

Can you compare how you feel after a good night’s sleep versus a bad one?

“I feel a lot more energized when I have more sleep.”

Why do you think sleep habits are so bad in high school?

“Because people have a lot to do, such as homework and other things.”

Why do you think sleep is important?

“Because it’s good for you, [and] it helps you focus and do things and be more energized.”

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