TCT’s The Countless Thanks 2022: Gigi Sinicrope

I am beyond blessed to have so many wonderful people in my life from which I have shaped the person I am today. I would be half of the person I am without the impact all of these incredible people have had on me, and all the thanks I have to express merely brush the surface of all that I have to offer.

Mom – I can’t even imagine where I would be without you

As any high school girl, I am aware that I am completely irrational. I am certain I would act in rash actions—more of them that is—if I was left without you to confide in. Some things that happen in my life I truly cannot understand; I just don’t know how to handle them. I am often saved by your advice, and as often as I dispute it, it tends to be right. 

Dad – Thank you for everything; seriously everything

While I could thank you for the clothes I wear, the house I live in, and the car I drive, I have endless more to thank you for. Thank you for your sense of humor. Thank you for your competitive spirit and your stubbornness, for all of the traits I acquired from you. I am lucky to be compared so often to someone I look up to so actively. 

Grace Sinicrope – For always being there—even if it is just because you have to

I would say I have grown a significant amount as a person since you resided on the other end of our jack-and-jill bathroom. I now truly understand how to do my own makeup and own enough of it to do so without stealing yours. At this point, I think I understand social media better than you because it seems to be you who comes to me with all of the questions on how to change or edit a picture. And as of July 24, I can get myself from home to wherever I may need to go without begging you to take me. In all of these new developments to my person, I have truly come to miss not only needing your constant assistance but having immediate access to it. I am grateful for all you have taught me and for all your absence has forced me to learn. You have played an integral role in shaping my person today, and I can’t wait to see the person you are becoming. 

Josie Crosse and Sloane Corey – for balancing me out perfectly

In hanging out with the two of you, I find myself falling as the middleman in terms of personality; the balance is seamlessly perfect. In the platonic terms of the expression soulmate, I am lucky to have found you both. Josie, you are the purest soul I know. Your intentions are authentic, and I am eternally grateful to have found my forever ‘yes man’ and partner in crime in you. You have been a consistent presence in my life through times when you were my only friend, and I have never confided in someone so empathetic who I know can seriously feel my pain and happiness. I know without a doubt that you will always be a constant in my life; I wouldn’t have it any other way. You are an extension of my heart and my person, I am thankful for that. Sloane, I owe so much of who I am to you. You have helped me find who I am in the past few years. Not only have you helped to grow my confidence, but also I can accredit half my wardrobe to the items you have left at my house and refuse to retrieve. Thank you for understanding things in the same way I do. I know that if I announce that I am mad or that I hate something, your answer will without a doubt be “me too, why?” Thank you for ‘touring’ with me day after day without thinking I am weird for it and being the person I reach out to with just about everything. I value your advice more than you could imagine. You both offer the best parts of yourself to be my friend. I aspire to grow with you two until we are old and wrinkly. I will forever be lucky to have found friend’s as true as the two of you. 

Dailey Tucker- For being more than a soccer friend

There has always been some division between school and soccer friends, and in most friendships, they start as one or the other. I am lucky you have become both. Your presence in my life has been unwavering since freshman year, and few relationships I have can claim that title. You are my biggest supporter in everything I do, and I don’t know many people who campaign for my success so actively. I owe so much of my confidence to you. No matter how much time we spend apart, or how far away you move, I know you will always be there for me and that you are never more than a text away. Your impact on my life is so vast, and I cherish all of our car rides and smoothie dates. Thank you for being my second mom and always being true to me.

Haley Ward- For always being a good time

I truly don’t know anyone funnier than you. I am always laughing and smiling with you, and I love you for that. On top of that, you are one of the best listeners I know; thank you for always making me feel heard. You are one of those people that when I am telling you a story or looking for guidance, I don’t feel like you’re just waiting for your turn to talk; you actually care what I have to say. I am lucky to have such an authentic listener in my batch of friends and someone who always makes me feel valued.  

Anna Thornburg- For telling it as it is

You are one of the only people that going shopping with is worth it. Most people I could strut out of the fitting room wearing a truly awful outfit and they would still assure me that it’s cute and a must-buy. You, on the other hand, actually tell me the truth. Everyone needs someone like that in their life. Thank you for understanding me, and having been friends with me since fifth grade, you have stuck by me even when I wouldn’t have. 

Ana Gary- For being there when I need it

Ana, while we don’t text all day or even necessarily often, I know that when I reach out with an issue or situation, you will undoubtedly respond with the right advice for me. You don’t want to tell me how to think, you want me to truly decide what I think, and there is so much maturity in that. Thank you for being my balance in a group and supporting me through what I want, not just what you think is best for me.

Brooke Bowers- For being strong enough to carry me up the stairs

I can’t imagine the talent and strength you possess in your sport, yet you have still managed to create an identity for yourself apart from it, and that takes much more strength. I feel I almost have to pry to get you to talk about this skill that occupies so much of your time. I can’t imagine being so humble. Thank you for laughing with me in the hallways and making me feel funny even when no one else does. Please do your best not to trip me going up the stairs again; I am still recovering. 

Syd Ryan- For being the same person I became friends with in kindergarten

You have known me longer than practically anyone aside from my family. Neglecting the few breaks and turns our friendship has taken—and even through them—we have watched each other grow up. You are, and have always been, the most real person I know. You are true to yourself and you know exactly who you want to be. I hope some of that rubs off on me. I am grateful for the many years you have spent growing up parallel to me, and I am looking forward to many more. 

To all of my teachers who impact me every day

I am grateful for such a supportive bunch of adults to have in my support system. Throughout my time at FHC, I have found a group of role models that have shaped the person I am becoming. To Mr. George, for being my biggest supporter, and always checking in on me, and to Mr. Labenz, I hope to grow up and be like you. You are the most forgiving and patient person I know, and I am lucky to have your influence in my life again this year. To Mrs. Lipke, I will forever be glad to have you in my corner, and to Mr. Pierce, for making me laugh while I bother you daily. To Mr. Scholten, for sharing common interests with me and making your class so intriguing. And lastly, to Ms. Beckett, for being passionate about her work and caring for all of us (and of course her fashion sense). Thank you, as well as all of my teachers at FHC, for playing such an influential role in not only my education but who I am growing to be.


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