TCT’s The Countless Thanks: Emma Zawacki

Brynn Schanski– for the past, the future, and everything in between

I never thought I could find an individual with an aura that could compete with mine; at least, I thought that until your freckled-face, frog-hat clad head wandered into your mother’s classroom that day nearly ten years ago. You’ve never failed to entertain me with our long, insane conversations on anything that pops into our brains. Every memory I possess of you is accompanied by high pitched giggles. I’m incredibly thankful for chocolate cake and sparkling cider (and for your parents not getting mad over several spilled root beers). Thank you, and thank you to your family for accepting me as one of your own—we consider you a Zawacki over here, too. 

Emily Smith– for a lifetime of giggles

You always seem to be down for my childish adventures, something that not everyone can keep up with, but you take them in great stride. Looking back upon all of said adventures would take all but an eternity, but they play like a film through my mind. My favorite being a sixth grade field trip where, after about half a cup of coffee, we were rolling across the plush, carpeted floors of the J.W. Marriott downtown. You’ll always be ‘Omelette’ to me. I’m so incredibly thankful for our cottage getaway trips and immature adventures. Thank you.

Rylie Beatty– for never failing to turn around a bad day

You remind me of a pale yellow candle, not the one you took a bite out of on FaceTime, but a happy candle that makes you take a deep, exhaling breath of negativity. Your rational persona makes you the perfect person to be tasked with making me breathe when it feels like all the air has left a room after a spiral of irrational thoughts.You always seem to give, a trait I admire. You seem to embody a warmth that makes me forever thankful we became friends and for your never ending Tik Toks that you send to the group chat. I’m incredibly thankful for demon cat and our roller coaster riding adventures. Thank you. 

Bella Long– for never-ending pictures of baby cows

We haven’t been friends for very long, but I still appreciate you for all the positive text messages you send. And your Instagram stories of cute barnyard animals that make me gush over their adorable forms. You always seem to be able to lighten things up. I’m incredibly thankful for us becoming fast friends. Thank you.

TCT Staff- for everything 

You always seem to brighten my day, whether it be through random conversations about the extremely heavy squirrel statue that sits at the middle table or us laughing hysterically at something we can’t even explain. You all mean the absolute world to me and I’m so incredibly thankful to be a part of the TCT family. Thank you all for providing me with a safe space. Linus, while the teasing was unnecessary, thank you for the laughs you provided while setting up the bulletin board. Avery, thank you for always being so incredibly kind to me and for all the filter-altered pictures. Savannah, for your beautiful, note-worthy columns. Sophie, for everything from taking me under your wing since freshman year with Field Hockey to joking around with me in sixth hour. Lydia, thank you for being a forever calming presence in the room and for being so incredibly helpful. Lauren, I miss seeing your smiling face during sixth hour; you always made me smile, especially when you insisted on sitting upside down in your chair. Lynlee, you’ve always been so incredibly supportive of me. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to thank you for continuing to push me. Abby, thank you for always working your hardest and setting me up to succeed, even after a long day. You mean the world to me. 

Natalie Mix– for reasons I can’t explain

It seems incredibly unnatural to call you Natalie; you’ll always be Nat to me—it’s easier to shout across the classroom when I have a silly idea that needs your attention. I’ve fallen in love with our friendship and our FaceTime calls. I’m so incredibly thankful for you being there for me from first hour sophomore year to sixth hour for the unforeseeable future. Thank you.

Kelsey Dantuma– for endless Snapchats

Your endless supply of snapchat videos bring me joy. As much as I missed seeing you at school everyday, your videos helped make up for some of it. Thank you for always being there for me no matter what hour of the day it is. I’m so incredibly thankful for you. Thank you.

Allie Beaumont– for being your beautiful self

I decided you’re the human embodiment of a hug. Your warm and approachable being is something I admire greatly. You’re absolutely gorgeous and I’m so glad we’ve gotten the chance to work together this year and make magnificent memories. I’m so incredibly proud of you for the simple fact that you seem to make every situation that you’re a part of better. Thank you.

Veronica Vincent– for always seeming to get things done

I admire your dedication to getting things done. I appreciate you tremendously for all the work you do for the Social Media team and I’m so incredibly thankful that we get to work together this year. Thank you

Dad, Mom, and my 2 dogs– for putting up with me for 16 years

I contemplated not making the dogs a part of this, but Izzo deserves his 15 minutes of fame and I felt bad leaving Winston out. At the end of the day, you’re always there for me with your intolerable jokes and weird dance moves, and I appreciate everything you’ve done for me. Thank you.

Jt, Ally, and Brayden– for making my journey to being the favorite child easy

I truly treasure our dance parties when mom and dad leave. There is nothing better, after all, then dancing around the kitchen screaming the lyrics until you hear the garage door open. Thank you for every annoying thing you do, I won’t miss them when I move out eventually, but I guess I’ll miss you all. I’m so incredibly thankful for the three of you. Thank you.

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