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The Newest Staff members of FHC

Get to know some of the new faces in our building!
A photo of FHC's new security officer: Lisa Stukkie
The Newest Staff members of FHC: Lisa Stukkie

1) Is this your first year at Forest Hills Central?

“Yes, this is my first year here at Forest Hills Central. I’ve worked 12 years out of the food service building, and [for] the last six years I was one of the truck drivers full-time.”

2) How has your experience been these first couple weeks of school?

[My experience] has been good. The first two weeks, I just did a lot of walking the halls. They wanted my face to be seen by the students and [for them to know] the fact that there is a regular security person here now; I know they haven’t had a consistent one for the past six or seven years.”

3) What is something that you love to do in your free time?

“I am a sports junkie. My youngest daughter graduated from here in 2017, and she led the team to the state championship for soccer. When she was little, she would put ESPN on all the time, so [she] and I just watched a lot of sports together. I have a game on my phone, iPad, and TV. I love college sports like soccer and football [and] I have a dog that I walk twice a day and I work out. [I’m] a simple person [and] my kids are all grown and out of the house.”

4) What made you decide that you wanted to be a security person?

“So I actually applied for the position, [around] two years ago because I had been in food service a while and it was very stressful. But then I kind of thought, I’m not ready to leave. I really liked who I worked with there. Then, last November I fell off the very top of my ladder. I severely broke my wrist and fractured a couple of parts of my hand. I bruised all my muscles and my ligaments and so I was off for 16 weeks. [After that I was] limited to some things still with my arm and that job is very physical. It was just taking its toll on me physically and mentally, I was stressed out too much. Then. this [job] opened up again, and I was ready for a change.”

5) What is something that you are looking forward to this year?

“Getting to know the kids more. The first couple of years after my daughter graduated, I still knew a lot of kids. [But] now, I don’t know the kids like I used to, except the athletes. I do childcare in the summer, and now I’m seeing some of the kids I had in childcare come in as freshmen and sophomores. So I’m just looking forward to getting to know the kids again.”

6)Have you previously worked with FHC staff members?

“I’ve been in and out of this building for so many years that I already knew [several staff members] plus I worked sporting events up here, and I have been for the past ten years. So, students that go to sporting events already kind of know my face.”

7)If you had one word to describe your experience at FHC so far what would it be and why?

Walking, I’m averaging like 20,000 steps a day [and] at my old job, I’d get between 10,000 and 12,000 [which] I thought was a lot.”

A photo of FHC’s new security officer: Lisa Stukkie (Ella Peirce)
Angelina Coulson is the newest member of the counseling office staff.
The Newest Staff members of FHC: Angelina Coulson

1) Is this your first year of counseling?

“This is my 5th year as a school counselor. I was at City High Middle School before I came to FHC.”

2) How has your experience been these first couple weeks of school?

My experience has been great the first couple weeks of school! I’ve been busy and learning a lot.”

3) What is something that you love to do in your free time?

I love to spend time with my husband and son, Camden. I also love to shop and try out new restaurants in the area! ” 

4) What made you decide that you wanted to be a counselor?

 “I didn’t know who my school counselor was in high school. I didn’t get the support I needed during my high school career, and I didn’t want other students to experience that same feeling. I’m passionate about empowering my students and being their biggest cheerleader along the way! I absolutely love what I do! ” 

5) What is something that you are looking forward to this year?

“I’m looking forward to getting to know FHC students, families, and faculty better.”

6)Have you previously worked with FHC staff members?

I have not, but I’ve been missing out! They are wonderful! ” 

7)If you had one word to describe your experience at FHC so far what would it be and why?

“Inspired- I’m excited to be a part of this amazing community. FHC is truly a special and inspiring place to be! ” 

Angelina Coulson is the newest member of the counseling office staff. (Angelina Coulson)
FHC's new Health and Fit For Life teacher.
The Newest Staff members of FHC: Paige Hallock

1) What subject do you teach

” [I teach] Health, PE, and Strength.”

2) Is this your first year teaching

“This is my first year teaching! I graduated with my degree in April.”

3) How has your experience been these first couple of weeks of school

“Honestly, I have been blown away by the positive attitudes, spirit, and community here at FHC. I have thoroughly enjoyed getting to know my students, the staff, and the district.”

4) What is something you love to do in your free time

“In my free time, I enjoy spending time with family and friends, reading, coaching, watching sports, especially football this fall, and trying new coffee shops.”

5) What made you decide that you wanted to be a teacher

“My parents both work in the schools. I have always been inspired by them and the impact that they have had on their students. I love having the ability to see the potential in young individuals and helping to mentor and guide them through this stage of their lives. Another big factor for me was coaching. I love coaching all sports and helping student-athletes succeed on and off the court. “

6) What is something that you are looking forward to this year

“I am really looking forward to Homecoming this year. The assembly, tailgates, game, and dance all excite me. I feel like I will have a chance to see the pride, respect, and positive community support that our students, staff, and families have.”

7) Have you previously taught with FHC staff members

“I have not! I am learning a lot from them [and] I would argue that FHC has the best staff!”

8)  If you had one word to describe your experience at FHC so far what would it be and why?

 “Inspired. I am inspired by the staff and how much they give and care for all their students. I am inspired by my students to show the pride of FHC day in and day out. I am inspired by the administration to continue to learn and be active within the school. Lastly by my team to be the best coach I can be. FHC is awesome!”

FHC’s new Health and Fit For Life teacher. (Paige Hallock )
FHC's new theatre director and english teacher.
The Newest Staff members of FHC: Jessi Dykstra

1) What subject do you teach?

” [I teach] English 9, Creative Writing, Senior Lit [and]  I’m also directing the fall play & spring musical!”

2) Is this your first year teaching

“Nope! I used to teach at a small school in Muskegon!”

3) How has your experience been these first couple of weeks of school

“Great! I’ve never taught English 9 before [and] I’ve [taught grades] 10-12 so I’m finding that new experience to be super fun and the Freshman are iconic.”

4) What is something you love to do in your free time

“In my free time I like to go book shopping, very on-brand for my subject, do henna, play Dungeons & Dragons, and spend too much time looking at Amazon Storefronts.”

5) What made you decide that you wanted to be a teacher

“My amazing English teachers – especially my middle school teacher, who made me feel smart for the first time, and [made me realize] I was actually good at English. Students should know that they are smart and valued [and] I teach to help students feel more confident in their academic ability! That, and I hope they know that they are valued for who they are!”

6) What is something that you are looking forward to this year

“I’m looking forward to homecoming, it sounds super cool here [because] my last school did not have a football team, and I hear the Rangers are pretty good [so] shout out to the football players I have in class.”

7) Have you previously taught with FHC staff members

“I have not previously taught with any FHC staff, but I did student teach at FHN [and] I know Mrs. Leese!”

8) If you had one word to describe your experience at FHC so far what would it be and why?

“I would say one word to describe my experience so far is sublime, to quote Ken from Barbie, it’s going well, I’m learning new things, I’m meeting amazing humans, the staff is beyond wonderful, and my students are pretty cool, W students.”

FHC’s new theatre director and english teacher. (Jessi Dykstra )
FHC's new band director!
The Newest Staff members of FHC: Joel Burns

1) What subject do you teach?

“I teach 7-12th grade band.”

2) Is this your first year teaching?

“Yes it is, I graduated from Michigan State this past spring.”

3) How has your experience been these first couple weeks of school?

“It has been great, I’ve really enjoyed getting to know the students and school community here at FHC.”

4) What is something that you love to do in your free time?

“I like to watch sports, especially basketball. As well as spending time with family and friends.”

5) What made you decide that you wanted to be a teacher?

“I have always had a passion for music and helping students to grow to be lifelong musicians and learners.”

6) What is something that you are looking forward to this year?

“Football Games and our Bandtasia performance. Marching Band is one of my favorite activities to be involved with so it has been a highlight so far.”

7) Have you previously worked with FHC staff members?

“No, I have not.”

8) If you had one word to describe your experience at FHC so far, what would it be and why?

“Lively, these first few weeks have flown by!”

FHC’s new band director! (Joel Burns )
New FHC Spanish teacher Ana Oshnock.
The Newest Staff members of FHC: Ana Oshnock

1) What subject do you teach?

“I teach Spanish One.”

2) Is this your first year teaching?

“No, this will be my 17th year teaching.”

3) How has your experience been these first couple weeks of school?

“I love all the students and staff at Central High. Everyone has been so welcoming and so kind to me.”

4) What is something that you love to do in your free time?

“I love to travel whenever I can, but also I love trying new restaurants, running, working out, and reading in my spare time.”

5) What made you decide that you wanted to be a teacher?

“My dad inspired me to be a teacher.”

6) What is something that you are looking forward to this year?

“I am looking forward to getting to know more students.”

7) Have you previously worked with FHC staff members?

“This is my first year at FHC.”

8) If you had one word to describe your experience at FHC so far what would it be and why?           

“Community, everyone has been welcoming from students to all staff members. Also, the community that Central has created is seen in the hallways to outside activities. This is a great place to be and I feel very fortunate to be here!”

New FHC Spanish teacher Ana Oshnock. (Ana Oshnock )
New online and AP Psychology teacher, Danielle Redman.
The Newest Staff of FHC: Danielle Redman

1) What subject do you teach?   

“I am the online learning mentor, and I teach one section of AP Psychology.”

2) Is this your first year teaching? 

“Nope! This is my 14th year of teaching.”

3) How has your experience been these first couple weeks of school?   

“I have loved my first month as a Ranger. I think this school is really something special, and everyone has made me feel very welcome.”

4) What is something that you love to do in your free time?     

“I read a ton, crochet, cook, and bake!”

5) What made you decide that you wanted to be a teacher?                                                             

“It’s really hard to pinpoint one moment, but I’m pretty sure I had made my decision by high school. I had a really fantastic US history and government teacher, and I wanted to be just like him!”

6) What is something that you are looking forward to this year?   

“I’m excited to experience all of the traditions FHC has.”

7) Have you previously worked with FHC staff members?

“I have not.”       

8) If you had one word to describe your experience at FHC so far, what would it be and why?

“Welcoming. Everyone has been so nice and have been so gracious in answering all of my questions as someone new to the community.”




New online and AP Psychology teacher, Danielle Redman. (Danielle Redman)
One of our two newest Spanish teachers.
The Newest Staff of FHC: Kate Stacey

1) What subject do you teach?

“[I teach] Spanish.”

2) Is this your first year teaching?             

“It’s my 16th [year teaching]”

3) How has your experience been these first couple weeks of school?   

“I love being back at CHS!”

4) What is something that you love to do in your free time?         

“[I love] Spending time in nature with my family, and sleeping.”

5) What made you decide that you wanted to be a teacher?          

 “I loved traveling abroad and using a skill that I had learned in school to do so [made me decide] that I wanted to share that with others.”

6) What is something that you are looking forward to this year?       

“I am looking forward to seeing my students every day!”

7) Have you previously worked with FHC staff members?       

“Yes, I taught here at FHC from 2019 until 2021.”

8) If you had one word to describe your experience at FHC so far, what would it be and why?       



One of our two newest Spanish teachers. (Kate Stacey )
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