The first time I was introduced to Alec Benjamin was not through radio or recommendation but by my best friend. I remember her enthusiastically raving about this new singer she’d discovered and urged me to try his songs.
I agreed and listened to “Let Me Down Slowly” on my car radio one humid afternoon. Safe to say, I was impressed. I’d never heard of such a unique sound from a singer before. It felt more emotionally driven and genuinely made me tear up.
After that, I repeatedly listened for news on Alec Benjamin and his newest releases. Most updates came through my best friend, and evidently, that’s what led me to hear about the upcoming album release, 12 Notes, on May 10.
My friend was thrilled, not only because of the following tour after the release but also because Alec Benjamin decided to release five new singles to debut in addition to the album.
So, I decided to try the singles and give my thoughts before his newest album occupied my mind.
“Sacrifice Tomorrow”
“Sacrifice Tomorrow” is the first newly released single and an Alec Benjamin song, if I’ve ever heard one. What exactly does this mean?
The song’s concept is exceptionally emotionally driven and heart-aching. It basically makes you want to cry. He sings about adversity, how love impacts your view, and the sacrifices we make to keep ourselves happy.
This can be reflected in his musical choices and undertones for the melody. In the beginning, he utilizes the elastic beats of the guitar to ramp up the song, giving it this quiet atmosphere before the conflict arises in the second verse with the accompaniment of drums. Through the music, we can hear this conflict of drums followed by short bursts and solos from the guitar. We view the song through the lyrics, almost like the internal battle of emotions.
“King Sized Bed”
“King Sized Bed” is the second single released and is one of the more lighthearted debuts. The subject is simple: it follows the story of a broken romance using the motif of a king-sized bed to represent the relationship.
The music isn’t anything revolutionary. With drums and tuning, the song carries a very lighthearted beat. In the end, we get a more transparent version with drums in the background. That might portray how many people feel dulled by heartache or broken romance, which is thoughtful. However, this single just didn’t strike me as emotionally as others.
“Pick Me”
“Pick Me” is the third released single, and the only word I can use to describe this debut is gentle. Gentle beat, gentle melody, and gentle subject. Which isn’t a bad thing. It means you must get through the song a little to enjoy it.
I can gather that background music includes the guitar, drums, and tambourine—very country. It brings out this feeling of openness and love of home, as well as a tenderness that explains the subject.
The central theme of the lyrics is hoping someone will fall in love or pick me, which just makes it all the more sweet, at least to me. Because we all tend to feel tender when seeking romance, it reminds me of young love and is something I’d listen to if I am in a pick me up mood.
“I Sent My Therapist to Therapy”
“I Sent My Therapist to Therapy” is the fourth single released and, in my opinion, the most striking in tune and hilarity despite its gloomy concept.
The song’s tempo is speedy and versatile, changing throughout the duration and complying with the lyrics. For example, the first verse is rapid; however, coming into the second, it starts to slow, and finally, in the third, it comes to a slow beat to accompany the hook. This is matched by the background snare drums, which, if you listen closely, drift off the further you get into the song before rushing back after the third verse.
The song’s subject, however, is conflicting. On the one hand, it has the vibe of someone joking about a dour situation. Not bragging about it, but trying to lighten a stony mood, which I can appreciate because we’ve all been in similar situations. However, on the other hand, it feels more severe in some sections, with underlying themes of being burdens to those around you and broken to heal.
“Different Kind of Beautiful”
“Different Kind of Beautiful” is the fifth single released, and while unsure of the subject, it undoubtedly has the best beats—those drums!
To give context, the background music relies wholly on drums, unlike the other debuts, which do use drums but are often accompanied by other instruments. This melody, however, is entirely ruled by the beat the drums give it.
Every note has a following beat, and at the end of the lines, you can hear the different drums being hit. It goes from softer to harder, depending on the verse. It also helps articulate certain words to emphasize them.
As said, the subject isn’t as concrete, which could be deliberate to reach more people or allow others to project what they feel onto the lyrics.
Overall, Alec Benjamin’s singles, which we have been previewing before his newest album, are nothing short of what makes him an excellent singer. He imbues his songs with emotion and meaning, and while they don’t always make top hits, I appreciate that he puts so much effort into creating these narratives.