In the snowy woods, half a dozen ferocious wolves’ eyes gleam as they prepare to attack a large bear-like creature. The pack is intent on ripping out their prey’s heart, and their teeth are barred as they collectively inch closer and closer.
Seconds away from pouncing, the wolves almost appear real. In what is really a pitch-black theater, cast members run throughout the audience, red lasers presenting the facade of bloodthirsty eyes.
This is just one of junior Audrey Milanowski’s ideas for Beauty and the Beast, the musical she would hypothetically choose for FHC theater’s next show. While it would undoubtedly wow audiences, with the lack of male theater members, it isn’t a likely possibility.
However, within the shows that she has assistant-student directed in the past, Audrey has used this knack for stage management to create more exciting and successful performances.
“Last year, during our fall play The Curious Savage, our matinee was a little… dead,” Audrey said. “None of the jokes were landing with the audience, so [us members of] the stage crew were tasked with dressing up, sitting in random places in the audience, and pretending each joke was the funniest thing we had ever heard. And it worked.”
At FHC, Audrey has worked on nine productions. Within the theater department, this has ranged from 2024’s Alice in Wonderland play to the musical The Wizard of Oz—her personal favorite production.
However, as a freshman, she began with no prior experience and a general dislike for musicals. Even so, after she started out on the regular stage crew, she earned the title of Assistant to the Assistant Student Director. Since her sophomore year, she has held the position of Assistant Student Director and is currently looking forward to being Student Director next year.
Even though Audrey has worked her way up in the department, she didn’t always envision herself involved with the performing arts. More so, she stumbled backstage by chance.
“I’m not actually sure why I joined [theater],” Audrey said. “I just wanted to do something, and [former English teacher] Mrs. Demester helped me get signed up. I thought maybe set design was an [option]—it wasn’t at the time. I was put onto stage crew, and I only had one friend in the entirety of theater at the time. I just fell in love with it.”
In addition to the productions she has been involved with in the theater department, Audrey has directed both FHC’s Random Acts of Talent and FHC Inspires.
In particular, FHC Inspires allowed Audrey greater autonomy in the production process. The spring production stars Honors English 10 students who give their own Ted Talks, essentially short presentations filled with anecdotes and advice. The show was run by former English teacher Ken George, but Audrey and other backstage crew took on the most responsibility. On the whole, they ensured that chaos didn’t break out. They gave each speaker constructive criticism, curated the show’s details, and—most importantly—were there for the performers.
Overall, throughout her involvement in the performing arts, Audrey has discovered her knack for leading.
“I used to not be much of a leader,” Audrey said, “but I’ve found that through [my involvement backstage] I have become a leader. I used to be so shy, and I would not talk to people at all, but through theater, I started talking to a lot more people. [This confidence] has translated into band where I have had a leadership role, and it has helped me be more confident in my job and at school, just in leading group projects and [other activities]. It has led me to want a career in which I am going to be leading a practice [for psychiatry].”
Initially, Audrey had no idea where she would fit into the backstage crew. Even so, she knew that there was never a chance she would end up performing on stage. Not wanting to speak in front of hundreds of strangers, she has found giving behind-the-scenes direction to be a better fit.
Backstage, Audrey quickly discovered the importance of running an efficient production. She learned to pick up slack from other crew members, even just minuscule details. After three years, she knows to provide help where and when it is needed—especially amidst the tumultuousness of a show week.
With senior year approaching, Audrey looks forward to her increased leadership. She will naturally take on more responsibility, but she sees the larger time commitment as being ultimately more rewarding.
However, taking on the new role means saying a difficult goodbye to the current Student Director, Alex Smith, who Audrey looks up to.
“I’ve learned so much from Alex,” Audrey said. “She’s one of my favorite people ever and [has been] my biggest mentor [throughout] all of high school. She has not only taught me what my tasks are as a director, but also taught me to enjoy the memories, laugh often, and allow myself to breathe, because it comes together in the end, one way or another. I am confident that my senior year will be all around successful, and it’s mostly thanks to her.”
In addition to Alex, Audrey has created—and is still creating—strong memories and bonds with other co-crew mates.
In particular, the theater members develop solidarity during the chaotic days leading up to a performance. In addition to heightened nerves, the cast and crew attend group dinners each night of a show week, some of Audrey’s fondest memories of her time in theater.
With the close relationships developed during productions, and the immense work that members contribute, the end of each show understandably stirs up sentimentality.
“During the musical, every single year, we have a very emotional closing show,” Audrey said. “It’s the last show of the season and, after this, we have no good reason to DoorDash 28 portions of Chick-fil-A fries anymore. Most importantly, though, it’s the seniors’ last show. As they do their final bow we all cry together. We all enjoy our last night together as a cast and crew and have the most extreme post-show depression afterward.”
Having herself entered as an inexperienced freshman, Audrey emphasizes that little skill is needed to get involved backstage. Through the productions she has helped with, Audrey has not only learned how to manage a show, but she has developed a deep love for the performing arts. Because of this, she encourages others to try theater as well.
Backstage, there are various jobs, most of which require little skill to get involved. Props, costumes, hair and makeup, set design, and tech are all respective crews required to put on the full-scale productions that FHC does each semester. In addition, student producing—which involves putting together programs and finding sponsors—and general deck crew are offered.
Regardless of skill or interest, Audrey stresses the welcoming nature of the theater community.
“There are a lot of different, small friend groups within [FHC theater], so you can always find a place to belong,” Audrey said. “But, at the same time, we’re all pretty much collectively one big friend group, no matter what backgrounds we come from. It’s just a very inclusive place, and you’ll always find someone who will be there for you.”