Player Profile: Laura Balanda

Name: Laura Balanda

Grade: Freshman

Sport: JV Field Hockey

Position: Defense

This past weekend Laura played exceptionally well. As a defender on the field hockey team, her main job is to not allow the opposing team to score; and she did just that. The combined score from the two games over the weekend was 10-1 in favor of the Rangers. Her hustle and skill only allowed the opponent to score one goal.

What have you and the team been doing to come together as of late?

“The team is really coming together and playing well. Like this past weekend we focused on what we had to in order to win.”

This year Laura plans on improving her skills on the field. She wants to improve specifically ball handling and knowing where to be at the right time.

Laura says her main reason for joining the field hockey team is to bond and become friends with girls that she has never talked to before.

Who is your biggest inspiration?

“My biggest inspiration is my Dad. He always pushes me to do my best and to never give up.”


What do you like about FHC?

“I love going to school here. The people are very nice and the atmosphere is great. I really love being apart of such a fun team and being around such great girls.”