Humans of FHC: Jasmine Dawson


“Oh, [I] definitely [rely on first impressions]. If you’re the person giving the first impression, I would say your outfit, your attitude, [and] how you address a situation definitely sets you up for a lifetime– especially for job interviews or for college, or just meeting a new person. If you’re new to [FHC], your first impression is definitely going to stick with me. Even if we do become friends, I’ll be like, ‘Oh, my first impression of you was not good.’ Or, ‘You had a great first impression; I’m really glad that we’re friends now.’ [First Impressions] matter a lot.

I hope people think that I’m as nice as other people say I am because I’m a super social person— [a] huge social butterfly. I just love to talk to people; I think people are just the most beautiful souls. When two people come together, and they have conversations… it’s a beautiful thing to see other people’s personalities and opinions. I think the personalities within people are beautiful.”
