Humans of FHC: Anonymous

[Redacted] works at Subway. We love visiting him. It started out innocent, and then more people came. We got kicked out and banned.

First it was me, then it was [redacted]. We brought our instruments; so we had a trombone, my violin, baritone saxophone, a drum set, and a lead singer. We played “Closing Time” on our instruments at Subway while they were closing. That first time was good. The [employees] were filming us, and shortly after that, [redacted] was written up, a formal warning.

And then, a week after, we [came back because] we were hungry; we’d always buy things. And then, we got banned. They said, ‘Leave and don’t come back, or we’ll call the police.’ We’ve haven’t [returned], at least not together. But we’re coming back. There are some reviews [online] from our associate.”
