Hadeel Ayesh expresses her gratitude for her opportunities by pursuing her dreams

Hadeel Ayesh

Senior Hadeel Ayesh’s parents left their home country of Palestine to start a new life for themselves and their children in the United States. In doing this, Hadeel’s mother also left behind her dream of becoming a pharmacist.

When Hadeel was deciding what career path she wanted to take, she found her mother’s dream, picked it up, dusted it off, and put it in her pocket as her own.

“Being a daughter of two immigrants who immigrated to the United States in search for a better life for their children,” Hadeel started, “[I was interested in pharmacology] not only because it was a dream of mine, but also because my parents had to give up their dreams in order to make mine somewhat possible.” 

Hadeel has more than one reason for pushing herself towards the pharmaceutical field. In addition to having parents that helped her pursue her passion, Hadeel was also raised with her grandmother.

“I grew up with my grandma, who had multiple health issues, and she always had medications,” Hadeel said. “[It was] a big issue for her because she didn’t really understand what different medications were and she had to take so many. It was also a problem for her to figure out how much she had to take.” 

Hadeel believes that when she becomes a pharmacist, she will be able to help people like her grandmother who have difficulties with their complicated medication routines. Her grandmother is very proud and excited for Hadeel to achieve her goals. 

“[My grandma] is my biggest role model,” Hadeel said. “We still visit her every week, almost every single day, and she’s just a big part of my day.”

Hadeel helps prepare herself for her future career by taking multiple classes and extracurricular activities.

Hadeel participated in FHC’s Health Occupation Students of America club and competed under the pharmaceutical event. This helped her expand her knowledge of the pharmacy and put it to work against other students.

Hadeel also was a part of FHC’s KCTC pharmacy technician class, which helps her get real-life experiences of the pharmacy. Eventually, she will take the exam that will certify her as a pharmacy technician, so she can then work in the pharmacy after high school.

In addition to HOSA and KCTC, Hadeel has taken AP Chemistry to help advance her academically.

“I have a huge interest in chemistry; I’m a really big chemistry person,” Hadeel said. “I really enjoy chemistry. [AP chemistry] was a really nice opportunity for me to see if I was actually interested in [pharmacy].”

On the other hand, Hadeel’s twin sister, Aseel, doesn’t share the passion for pharmacy work with Hadeel. Aseel took AP chemistry, the KCTC pharmacy technician class, and did the HOSA pharmacology course. 

“[Aseel] wasn’t really interested [in pharmaceutical work],” Hadeel said. [She took these courses] just so she could see if she was interested. She wasn’t really, so we’re just going to go different ways.”

Despite having to leave her sister’s side, Hadeel is still looking forward to helping so many people like her grandmother with her pharmaceutical knowledge.

Hadeel is working hard to get into the pharmacy school of her dreams after she receives her undergraduate degree from Grand Valley State University. From there, she is hoping to achieve her dream of working in the pharmaceutical field at Ferris State University or University of Michigan. 

Hadeel doesn’t just work hard in school just because she wants to achieve her goal, but also because she enjoys it and it is one of her passions.

“My parents didn’t get to have a higher education beyond high school, so I always thought that education was most definitely the most important; the biggest priority in my life,” Hadeel said. “I always thought education was a blessing.”