Disc Golf

Team name: Disc Golf

Captain: Benji Zorn

Time commitment: Once a week for about two hours

Why someone should join: “Someone joining the Disc Golf team should be someone who is looking to make some great friends and looking for a fun activity that is a lifelong sport.”

Prior knowledge/experience needed: “No prior experience or equipment is required, and I encourage everyone, and especially people who have never heard of the sport, to go out and try it because you might just find something that you really like to do.”

How to sign up: “There will be a sign-up sheet near the end of winter that goes out, and you can just put down your information, and I’ll contact the people on the sheet [as to] when our first meeting is.”

Fun facts/words of encouragement for someone weary of joining: “Some of my favorite things I’ve done were things I was super hesitant to start. Just go for it!”

Advisor: Stacy Steensma