Ego Alter puts themselves on to an unforgiving world of fashion without glancing back

I discovered a hidden gem.

This past summer, my friends and I attended a skateboarding party, completely oblivious to the fact that we would discover one of the best and most underrated Grand Rapids-local clothing brands that we know: Ego Alter.

I had heard the name a few times before the party, and an overwhelming feeling of an unknown déjà vu struck me when one of my friends mentioned that the brand would be selling merchandise. What harm would there be in checking it out?


I had heard the name a few times before, so naturally, I suspected that it had recently created a buzz. My prediction turned out to be more than correct.

Before I even checked out the pop-up shop, a crowd had started to form around the new brand’s sellers. Seemingly, just the word of them being there had started to attract customers. Some even ignored the skateboarding party entirely, intriguing me in a way that I hadn’t felt in a while. 

The Clothes:

The brand meets the standard clothing item norms, including t-shirts, crewnecks, and pants, but Ego Alter doesn’t seem keen on specializing in these specific areas. Of the clothes I’ve worn from Ego Alter (jeans and t-shirts), the feel and flexibility of the clothes are jaw-dropping considering that they’re a relatively new brand with a small budget in mind.  The t-shirts, however, are increasingly better with every new release. The prices of the clothes are extremely fitting and affordable, never exceeding $40. When I was considering buying some of the shirts, the fact that the tag wrote $15 made me buy one within a heartbeat.

The creativity and individualism put into the designs define the word ‘versatile.’ The experimentation on the shirts is eye-catching too, cocktailing a mix of colors that I never imagined would work together, but Ego Alter pulls it off effortlessly. The experimentation can go into routes that lead to a dead end, however. Some of their items feature designs and colors that have apparent weak links with each other. A few of the shirts have this problem, making the catalog inconsistent. 

Even with that in mind, many of the pieces on Ego Alter’s website hastily sell out, making me question my original opinion. Ego Alter has a certain awe about them that pulls your attention from all angles, even with the rookie catalog.

The People and Branding: 

Ego Alter was selling a collection of new shirts that they were planning on releasing to the public soon. After buying a few and meeting the people who run the brand, I could tell that they knew what they were doing. The fresh-on-the-scene brand is run by people who seem set on making themselves a staple in the fashion industry, possibly even stretching outside of North America. Not shying away from being loud and letting people know they were there, Ego Alter attracted even more customers, including me.

With any new brand, sales marketing will always need some work. The brand is selling locally, making it extremely hard for them to cater outside of Grand Rapids, which is a problem that could quickly expand if not solved in time. 


Being a fresh brand and already creating waves within Grand Rapids is already starting to make me extremely hopeful and excited for where this brand could explore. I haven’t met this early of a clothing company that was this inattentive about what meets the clothing norms and willing to experiment on anything in the best way possible. Ego Alter has a bright future ahead.