Natalie Moore has learned so much more than how to land jumps through figure skating

More stories from Alysse Calabio
Sophomore Natalie Moore at the ice rink holding her test score
Sophomore Natalie Moore found herself in the presence of princesses.
Except, rather than being from a royal lineage, they were the ones from our fairy tales: Disney princesses. It was one of the many ethereal experiences that Natalie has undergone since she started figure skating.
“It was like a Disney on ice show,” Natalie said. “I was a Hawaiian girl with three other girls, and then another girl had a solo, and she was Moana. All my other friends were Jasmine and Ariel. At the end of the show, there was an open skate, and the little kids got to come and skate with us if they wanted to.”
Figure skating wasn’t always Natalie’s winter sport of choice. Instead, she used to spend her time skiing during the winter. That had all changed four years ago when she watched the Winter Olympics. It quickly became a hobby that pervaded a profusion of her time.
“I used to ski, but then I saw [the Winter Olympics team] on TV,” Natalie said. “Then for Christmas, I begged my mom for a pair of skates. I got a pair of skates and all that next summer we were at the rink [almost] every day. I’ve gone more to the rink than I’ve gone to the beach.”
For Natalie, figure skating was a sport that she had believed she would only participate in for a little while; however, one year of figure skating quickly turned into two which, eventually, became four years.
Virtually every day—whether summer or school—Natalie is out in the ice rink. There she is constantly learning and improving a medley of diverse skills. Before she can feel the euphoric exhilaration of finally landing a move, she has to endure the frustrations of intermittent progress.
“I think one of the main [lessons I’ve learned through figure skating is] taking it easy on yourself because you can get frustrated so easily,” Natalie said. “I get so frustrated with myself on a daily basis, [but] I’ve learned throughout [figure skating] to take my time with [the move I’m working on] and know that I will get it.”
With the amount of time Natalie spends practicing at the rink, the effects of her practices are apparent not just during her competition and showcases but in her home life as well.
Right after school, Natalie expeditiously heads to the rink, and for an hour and a half, she practices her different moves. But as soon as she arrives home, her long list of work is patiently waiting for her to complete them. As a result, she’s had to adjust her work ethic so that she could finish everything on time.
“I learned to not procrastinate as much because if I [procrastinate] when I’m at the rink I deal with the consequences of it at home,” Natalie said, “so I’ll finish eating then I’ll be like, ‘oh shoot, I have to do all this homework. I have all this stuff I need to do. And then it affects me in the morning because I’m so tired. I’m exhausted, and it is not good for me the next day.”
Competitions and showcases—although primarily showcases—are moments that Natalie works hard to excel in. Having the ability to demonstrate to others the progress she has made since the last time is, in part, why she enjoys performing in front of judges and crowds.
Practicing for showcases and competitions is a tremendous part of figure skating for Natalie. Nevertheless, it is not the only aspect of figure skating that she relishes. In addition to practicing and performing, Natalie coaches younger children. Working with children is an accomplishment within itself; it requires more than just a love for kids to be able to adequately teach them an entirely new skill.
“[Coaching has] definitely given me more patience working with little kids because they don’t get it right away,” Natalie said. “So I’m being patient with them and learning because for me, it’s easy, and for them, it’s not. So [I’m] really learning about how they feel so I can help them.”
For Natalie, coaching is something that she has grown to love dearly. Looking back, all of the enchanting moments with the various kids she teaches have become memories that she holds close to her heart.
When it comes to the future, there is a fog of uncertainty clouding the view. However, if Natalie knows one thing about the future, it’s that she wants to continue figure skating.
“I definitely want [to continue figure skating in the future],” Natalie said. “Coaching puts a smile on my face, [and] I definitely want to do more shows for little kids. Shows give [the kids watching] cool, new experiences and it shows them that you can do this, too, if you want to.”
Figure skating has allowed Natalie to do more than just elegant spins. It was the catalyst for her growth—a transformation in her disposition and mentality.
“[It’s a sport that teaches you] you can’t change who you are,” Natalie said. “You have to know your own limits to know what you can and can’t do and it’s definitely a sport that teaches you patience.”

Alysse Calabio is going on to her second and final year on The Central Trend. If there's anything she loves more than the world, it would be experiencing...