The smell of cooked breakfast, the sight of bright smiles, the sense of happiness—all of it is a moment ingrained in the memory of junior Jackson Traughber. It is a moment dedicated to celebrating all of the feats and hardships throughout the year in a class that has brought the students all together: FHC Sports Report.
At the end of the semester, Jackson and the other members of Sports Report—a class doubling as FHC’s sports newspaper—came together to celebrate their accomplishments of the year with food and gifts. While this event isn’t annual, when it is hosted, it is one that members are happy to experience.
“[My favorite memory is] probably last year at our Christmas party at the end of the year,” Jackson said. “We exchanged gifts and had breakfast on an exam day. We pretty much made the food for breakfast—I mean, it was at 10 o’clock—but then we exchanged gifts with each other like a Secret Santa.”
Although the different celebrations the class holds may be a memorable part of the class, it isn’t what initially drew most students to join. For senior Olivia Oorbeck, the now Editor-in-Chief of the newspaper, it was the ability to combine the two things she loves the most: writing and sports.
Writing and sports have always played a key role in Olivia’s life, and now, Sports Report has given her an outlet to express both of them. It is a way to show her appreciation for these two major aspects of her life.
“I’ve always loved writing,” Olivia said. “Writing has always been [something] where I’ve been able to express myself, and also, sports have been a huge part of my life—with me starting young and being a swimmer and then moving over to ski and water polo. Being able to do something where I can combine both and also voice my own opinion within the sports, that’s been a huge thing for me because I was looking at [The Central Trend] before, but then, when I saw Sports Report, I was like, ‘Oh wait, I can add both the things that I love into one category.’”
Many of the members of Sports Report have played sports throughout their lives; however, it isn’t a requirement to be a part of the newspaper. Even so, something that is required is a willingness to learn: about different sports, about different terminologies, and about the different nuances that come with that sport.
Being open to learning about various sports is a substantial component of the newspaper since students are assigned a sport to report on—one that cannot be a sport that they currently participate in.
“You have to somewhat know what you’re talking about,” Jackson said, “because it’s journalism and something you’re writing about. You could [join without knowing too much about the sport] but you’d have to do background research on the sport you’re doing and get a deeper sense of how to write about that score. Each sport has different phrases, terminologies, and things like that. Some things that are in one sport don’t connect with other sports. We all in that class have a deep understanding of sports.”
For Olivia, she has especially seen her interest in football grow since starting Sports Report. Before, she hadn’t been particularly interested in the sport; however, after being able to go to all of the games—of which they get a free season pass to enter—she has grown to truly appreciate and enjoy watching the games.
With each component of the sports she learns about and each interview she has with the players, she becomes more and more enthralled with the games. It is a story she has now known to reign true for many of the sports she has reported on—and will continue to write about.
“I was not a football girl before and never was interested,” Olivia said. “I always appreciated and gave credit to those guys who did it, but I never really got into it. After having to cover it and know the terms, what’s happening, plays, and types of positions, you get drawn into it, and it becomes more interesting because you’re stuck with that sport for so many months. Even basketball—I’m covering it now—I’m getting more intrigued with it. I’m like, ‘Oh, this is happening and that is happening.’ It’s a fast-moving pace; stuff that [makes you] more interested in that sport and also talking to the athletes because we do Q&As as well.”
While reporting on all the sports of FHC is a fundamental aspect of Sports Report, the members do more than just write about FHC’s sports. On their website, they post many different types of articles such as columns, which are opinion-based articles; features about FHC’s opinion on sports; and Q&As, which highlight one athlete at FHC.
While each member has their preferred story type, Olivia highlights her love for game reports. Through them, she can get to know the players and coaches one-on-one and witness the thrilling environment of it all first-hand.
“I love building up the connections with the athletes and the coaches, specifically with football,” Olivia said. “That was one of my favorites during that season. I went to all the games and took photos. I felt a connection with the guys and [football coach Tim] Rogers. It was just a really fun atmosphere.”
Even though writing the articles themselves is an independent task, there are still many aspects of Sports Report that bring each of the students together. Whether it be the Sports Report podcast, the Top Five projects, or just discussing the most recent game, the class provides an opportunity for everyone to come together; it nurtures and cultivates friendship and familiarity with one another.
For senior Will Banfield, this collaborative environment that Sports Report fosters is part of the reason he’s returned for a second semester. It is an environment that provides him with independence but also a chance for cooperation.
“Obviously, you have to get your stuff done individually with your own sport,” Will said. “You need to get your columns done to the respective category that you chose. But collaborative-wise, I’d say yes, it’s collaborative. We get to do the Top Fives for spring, fall, and winter sports, and so, that’s a huge, fun project we do. Then, we also might come up with a cool column with the 10 best current athletes in the school. So it’s just a really fun, collaborative thing that we get to do.”
Although Will has only been in Sports Report for a year, looking back at it, it is one that he will think fondly of: for all the friendships formed, for all the progress he’s made, and for all the fun memories they’ve made.
“I’d say [the best part of Sports Report] is just being able to be with my friends in that class,” Will said. “We’re really progressing in our writing together, as well. We get to head over to the podcast room and we get to just talk and discuss sports, as well as strengthen our bond.”