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The Student Voice of Forest Hills Central

The Central Trend

The Student Voice of Forest Hills Central

The Central Trend

The Student Voice of Forest Hills Central

The Central Trend

My word of the day: guilty

My favorite memories from this school year

I feel guilty for looking forward to the end of the school year. I feel guilty because I enjoyed this school year so much more than the past few, but I’ve let the stress of school distract me from that.

I feel guilty because I had no idea how much my life would change in just one year. When I was told that my life would change when I went to high school, I didn’t realize how much that was true. I’m only one year in, and I’m already leaving the school year with almost all new friends. I’m incredibly grateful for the old ones but so thankful for the new ones. Most of them, I didn’t even know at the beginning of this year. I had no idea they would be some of my best friends now.

I’m afraid that once he’s gone, I won’t have that one hour of the day to look forward to anymore.

I feel guilty for looking forward to the end of the school year because, at the end of this year, Mr. George will never be my teacher again. I’m afraid that once he’s gone, I won’t have that one hour of the day to look forward to anymore. I’m worried I won’t have a safe space to go when I need somewhere to go during school. Mr. George, I’ll miss you so much. Thank you for everything you’ve done for me this past year. You changed my life. Remember, just because you’re leaving doesn’t mean you’re going to get rid of us yet. 

I’m worried that I’m going to be leaving Room 139 for the last time. I’m worried that next year, that won’t be our room anymore. I won’t be able to look around at the worn-in chairs and couches bought at countless numbers of garage sales, and I’ll no longer have my green and white plaid chair. I won’t walk through the door and immediately be met with the weird cardboard cutout of Leonardo DiCaprio, and I won’t have a smile on my face every single time Mr. George decides to take a lap around the hall just so he can walk through the streamers hanging down from the door.

I’m sad the school year is ending because I won’t have my little diary called The Central Trend until next year. I won’t be writing my stories on Google Docs with the font Bitter in size 12, because I don’t like the look of the Arial font. I won’t be checking my word count every other sentence wishing that I could be done writing. Now that it’s the end of the year, I feel bad for wishing all of the stories away. I feel bad for wishing all of the stories away because now, I only have three more years of writing. 

I wish the school year would end. I wish it would end, but I hate that I wish it would end. I feel guilty for wanting it to end, and I don’t know what to do. Whether it’s good or bad, only three and a half more days. 

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About the Contributor
Addie McDowell
Addie McDowell, Staff Writer
Addie is a freshman entering her first year on The Central Trend. She is so excited to become a staff member, and can't wait to write more stories. She's wanted to become a writer on The Central Trend since the beginning of her eighth-grade year because of her love for writing and is so excited to publish some of her stories. In her free time, Addie enjoys listening to music, writing in her notes app, and hanging out with her friends.   Her favorite thing to drink: Slushies (specifically from Speedway) Her favorite season: Fall. The best part of fall is definitely the mini pumpkins. Her comfort Disney movies: Tangled or Mulan Favorite food: Watermelon

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