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The Student Voice of Forest Hills Central

The Central Trend

The Student Voice of Forest Hills Central

The Central Trend

The Student Voice of Forest Hills Central

The Central Trend

From the Next Room by Devon Gabriella didn’t fail to amaze me

The album cover for From the Next Room

The other day, I was sitting in my room scrolling on Spotify because I had no idea what to write my review about. The reason I was looking through Spotify is because my favorite thing to review is music. I came across one of the songs I’ve been listening to called “older” and noticed that it was a part of an album called From the Next Room. I was confused because it had been out for a few months and I never noticed. Because I was so intrigued by the album title, I immediately clicked play. As I listened to the rest of the album by Devon Gabriella, I started to fall in love with her unique voice, and I picked some of the songs that I liked so I could review them.

“afraid of heights”

“afraid of heights” is the second song on the album tracklist. It’s right after the song “older” which is the one that I’ve been listening to for the past few months. 

I’ve been obsessed with slower, sad songs lately, and this one was no different.

This whole song is more of a sorrowful beat, which I love. I’ve been obsessed with slower, sad songs lately, and this one was no different. I think it’s a great song to put after “older” because that song describes that she’s tired of feeling older than she is. This one repeats the words “I’m afraid of heights” which feels more like a child-like fear. It contrasts against the first song, which I think was a great addition to the album.

“less like me”

As the fourth track of the album, it’s in almost the exact middle of the tracklist. The song also felt like an almost exact middle of all of the songs mixed together. Some parts are calmer, and some parts speed up and become more energetic. 

It starts with a beat that feels somewhat familiar to me. It immediately pulled me into the song, and it made me fall in love with it. 

Like the other songs, it was more of a basic topic to write about. I can’t lie, I do like a lot of the basic songs, and this one was no different. The lyrics, the melody, everything about it made me love it. 

“how could you?”

As I first played this song it started pretty much as I expected it to. It’s the second to last track, so I did expect a slower beat, which is what it was at first. I’m not sure why, but because of the title, I didn’t expect it to turn into a quicker tempo. It slowly started speeding up more and more, which drew my attention to the song and the lyrics. 

While the song is a pretty basic topic for songs nowadays, it feels like she added a small twist to the song to make it more fun to listen to. It’s repetitive, a fun beat, and it’s safe to say that I was not disappointed. 

Although the album was like a lot of newer music recently, it still didn’t fail to amaze me. The lyrics of all of her songs were creative and beautiful. I’d highly recommend this album to anyone who enjoys more sad songs. It was so fun to listen to, and I’ll be listening to it again.

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About the Contributor
Addie McDowell
Addie McDowell, Staff Writer
Addie is a freshman entering her first year on The Central Trend. She is so excited to become a staff member, and can't wait to write more stories. She's wanted to become a writer on The Central Trend since the beginning of her eighth-grade year because of her love for writing and is so excited to publish some of her stories. In her free time, Addie enjoys listening to music, writing in her notes app, and hanging out with her friends.   Her favorite thing to drink: Slushies (specifically from Speedway) Her favorite season: Fall. The best part of fall is definitely the mini pumpkins. Her comfort Disney movies: Tangled or Mulan Favorite food: Watermelon

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