I have enjoyed listening to music since I was a child, but I never really decided to make my own playlist or pick the songs I listened to. Instead, I’d rather just listen to a radio station—at least until two or three years ago. So, some might call me a rookie at making playlists, but I would call myself pretty good at it. Here are a few tips to assist you in making the best playlist.
Decide a mood
Have you ever been listening to the radio and singing the lyrics to “Hot N Cold” by Katy Perry and on a happy song high when it’s over, but all of a sudden, “Someone Like You” by Adele starts, and your whole mood shifts? It is the most annoying feeling. To prevent this from happening when you make your perfect playlist, it is imperative to choose a mood before you start going crazy and adding songs. I typically like to decide before I make a playlist if it should be upbeat for being in the car with friends or more relaxed for doing homework. Choosing the right songs that fit your mood will make or break these moments.
Also, don’t feel pressured to be closed off with a single mood such as “happy” or “sad” but instead try and think out of the box with things like “upbeat” or “reminiscing”. If you can’t decide on one mood for your playlist, feel free to create multiple playlists that you can choose from when the time comes.
Spend time on it
The second most important part of curating the ideal playlist is spending quality time with your playlist, although some could argue this is the most important one. Without ample time spent choosing through the gazillion songs available on music apps, you will have a playlist full of jumbled-up songs you chose without truly thinking about them.
A good rule of thumb is 25-35 tracks for a playlist that has some staple songs without being overly repetitive and droning on. Keep in mind that your playlist will be ever-changing so don’t feel bad removing or adding songs based on your mood for that day.
Pay attention to variety
Another way to keep your playlist from becoming repetitive is to ensure that there is enough variety. For example, you should use only five or six songs from the same album (or artist if they are all quite similar). Listening to songs with similar tunes can get quite boring after a while. Another good rule of thumb is to avoid having a lot of similar songs next to each other. While all your songs should have a relative mood, they shouldn’t sound the same, but if some do, it is best to keep them separated so you don’t have a boring stretch of songs.
These are just a few key things to look out for when creating your playlist, which will always satisfy your music craving. Yes, creating the “perfect” playlist may sound daunting and treacherous, but it doesn’t have to be. The trick is not to get discouraged when you feel like you can’t find the right songs. Playlist creation is never-ending, and it is always considered a work in progress.