My life has changed a lot in the past few years.
It started with losing my church, the place full of the people that I’ve loved since I was born. It felt like the world was ending when my family left. I remember standing in the bathroom with my childhood best friend when I told her we were leaving. I’ve known her my entire life. I told her, and the tears started rolling down my face as she hugged me and started crying, too. We walked out and saw my sister telling the worship leader, who hugged us both.
I remember my last Sunday at my church. My family wanted me to be able to make a profession of faith at the place where I had grown up. After I made my profession of faith, my childhood best friend, worship leader, and I sang one of my favorite worship songs, and halfway through, I started crying. Once the song was over, my best friend hugged me and then went to the bathroom as I gave a hug to the pastor (her dad), and her mom. I walked into the back hallway with my mom just sobbing. I found my childhood best friend, her older sister, and her mom crying in the bathroom, and we all just cried together for a while. That was my last day there.
The first day at a possible church was my aunt’s church—we wanted to start easy. The first day there, my mom and sisters and I cried (a lot). I remember standing in the corner of the lobby with my sisters, wishing we could get out of there. At the time, I had no idea that that church could bring me some of the best friends I could ask for
The next thing was when I lost some of my best friends. I’m not going to go too much into it, but it all started with a lot of rumors and now, I realize, twisted-up words. I don’t know if I’ll ever know the full story, but I do know that it changed my life. It made me realize who my real friends are, and I don’t regret that any of it happened. Maybe I’d change how it went, but I wouldn’t change that it happened.
The change in my life has made me who I am today. It’s introduced me to my best friends, it’s made me grow closer to my sisters, and it’s made me more in touch with my emotions. It’s made me look back on moments and regret them, and even apologize.
The time one of my best friends and I grew apart for a while was one of the worst times in my life. Once we became friends again, we realized that our time apart helped us grow even closer. It made us both realize that we should’ve done things differently, and we apologized and moved on. If some of these moments never happened, I might not be as close with her as I am now.
These moments broke my heart at the time, but I’ll forever be grateful that they happened because they made me become the person I am today. I don’t know where I would be without them, and I don’t know who my friends would be without them.
No matter how much the past hurt, I wouldn’t change a thing. I’m proud of who I’m becoming, and I’m proud of the friends that I have now. There’s nothing I would do differently. I’m thankful for the past for shaping me into who I am today. There’s nothing about it that I would change.