Everyone has pet peeves that annoy them to no end. A lot of people share the same pet peeves, making them a common and relatable experience. However, some pet peeves are a lot worse than others. People just can’t seem to decide which annoyance is the most annoying. Therefore, it’s my job to rank the top five most relatable pet peeves from least to most valid.
- Slow drivers
Road rage is almost completely due to slow drivers. Yes, I understand they are being cautious, but do they really need to make that everyone else’s problem? The agony of being stuck behind the only slow car on the road is unmatched. The reason they’re ranked so low is that most of the time, the slow drivers in question are going the speed limit or only slightly below it. Usually, they don’t really affect your arrival time. However, I do understand the hate.
- Loud chewing
I know it’s very controversial to rank this one as one of the least valid, but compared to the others, it doesn’t hold the same obnoxious trends. Either people absolutely go crazy when people chew loudly, or they don’t even notice; therefore, it doesn’t deserve the top spot. While I normally don’t notice when people chew loudly, I understand the hate. The constant smacking of lips and crunchy chomps definitely take away one’s appetite. One thing that makes loud chewing even more annoying is the fact that it’s pretty avoidable. It just adds to the pain to know that the person chewing seems to chew loudly for no reason.
- Rambling
Sometimes, people really miss their cue to be quiet, and they just keep going. A story that should last at most one minute, being stretched to five or ten should be illegal. Honestly, it’s impressive how many times people who ramble can repeat themselves without adding anything to their point. Rambling is especially worse when the person doing so is a teacher. Not only do you have to sit in an uncomfortable chair with no other stimuli, but you can’t tell if what they are saying is important or just filler words. It almost feels like ramblers do so just to waste your time or see how long they can talk before you crack.
- Slow walkers
Slow walkers were a close second to the most obnoxious common pet peeve. Slow walkers are almost everywhere and impossible to avoid. They seem to be completely oblivious to everyone else, and instead, make their lack of efficacy everyone else’s problem. Getting trapped behind one when trying to get to class is a universal experience. It’s even worse when they form a line and completely block everyone else behind them with no regard for their access to the hallway. Dodging elbows and weaving around mobs of people should not be a permanent addition to hallways of all kinds.
- Being late
The most annoying pet peeve of them all has to be when other people are late. Not like five or ten minutes kind of late, but 15 minutes to half an hour kind of late. You might wake up earlier, plan ahead, and arrive on time, but when everyone else is late, what’s the point? It feels like a personal vendetta is being held against you when your guests are super late. I just don’t understand why arriving on time isn’t worth leaving five minutes earlier. Having everyone wait on you is not an honor; it should be embarrassing. I understand if there’s traffic or you overslept, but if you’re at your house just dilly-dallying and expecting everyone to wait on you, you don’t deserve the invite.
Yes, everyone has pet peeves and some are a lot worse than others. However, if you ever find yourself falling victim to any of the travesties above, just know we get it. Maybe you’re even guilty of committing some of these offenses, but don’t worry, they wouldn’t be so relatable if everyone didn’t do it at least once in their life.