Player profile: Advith Reddy

Name: Advith Reddy

Grade: 10th

Sport: Boys Varsity Tennis

Flights: Three Singles

“”If you aren’t going all the way, why go at all?” ~ Joe Namath “I just started a new flight on the team and haven’t gotten a chance at a few matches.”

What is your outlook on the team this year?

“I believe we are a very strong team. All of us have the talent and skill required to win, now we just need the fire inside for the rest of the way. If we can light that spark, we will be unstoppable and have a great chance at states this year.”

Why do you play tennis?

“I started playing the sport because I saw my brother playing it. That’s pretty much it.”

Who is your biggest inspiration in your entire athletic career?

“To be honest, I don’t really look up to anyone when it comes to athletics. I try to be my own person and shatter my own expectations.”

College or future plans?

“As of right now, I don’t have any big college or future plans. I’d like to go to Michigan but that’s about all I know right now.”

How many years have you played the sport?

I’ve played the sport for about three (almost four) years now. I didn’t start thinking about high school tennis and playing more until late seventh grade.”

Favorite tennis player?

“My favorite tennis player is and forever will be Novak Djokovic”