Parenthood Hits Close to Home


I live in a household brimming full of a variety of different generations. On a typical day in the Martin household, you will  find my rambunctious little sister parading through the halls in a fluffy princess costume, my teenage sister pounding up the steps in a fury with her backpack dragging behind her, my 76 year old grandma reclining in her chair with a cup of black coffee beside her, and my mom sprinting in through the front door after work, always out of breath and out of time. Besides our obviously chaotic life, however, there has been one consistent aspect of it that manages to pull our family together like the shoelaces in a tennis shoe; there has been one constant connection that seamlessly bridges the gap between each generation. And that connection, though it only makes an appearance for 45 minutes every Tuesday night, is a simple delicacy called Parenthood.

Parenthood itself is one of the few scripted dramas remaining that manages to consistently offer authenticity. The show focuses on the Braverman family and the friends they have chosen to surround themselves with, with each episode highlighting a new situation or circumstance. The family of the show is dynamic, and resembles my family and the interconnected relationships we have with one another, which is yet another reason why it is so easy for us to identify with the Braverman family. It perfectly encapsulates reality, highlighting not only the good, the bad, and the ugly but also everything in between. The show provides its viewers with a truthful atmosphere, one revolving around an average American family, one emphasizing the importance of both having and recognizing flaws.

It is evident that each character on the show was created with a sole purpose; every personality was flawlessly molded (as if they were silly putty) to represent individuals from each walk of life. However, unlike silly putty, their personalities remained consistent, displaying the strong, stable foundation the show had originally been built upon. With every season, with every episode, I find myself being constantly sucked into their reality, completely absorbed with their world. Each character continuously makes mistakes, and this has taught me a crucial life message. It has taught me that everything will be okay. Maybe not now, not tomorrow, but eventually.

Parenthood is ultimately about family, loving one another, and simply making it through life with a smile plastered on your face. The extremely developed plot is an aspect of the show that guides it along in  terms of storytelling; the storyline of every episode remains both insightful and intriguing. Each scene is equally demanding, but this provides the show with an overwhelmingly apparent amount of depth. Parenthood is not a coward. It does not shy away from controversial subjects but rather attacks them head-on in a veracious manner. Often times a scene will become particularly intense; many of the characters will suddenly become red faced and wide eyed, bursting with anger , shouting at one another from across the room . These scenes demand so much raw emotion from each and every actor; it utterly amazes me that they continuously manage to deliver their performance so realistically that the viewer can’t help but feel a sense of empathy toward each individual character.

Parenthood has gradually evolved into a simple pleasure that my family can anticipate every week; it effortlessly unifies our household every Tuesday night, bringing us together and strengthening our bond. It is a timeless show that will remain relevant despite the decade we find ourselves in , a show everyone can relate to in one way or another, whether you are merely six years old or sixty years old.