Ski Team: Striving for Perfection

Standing at the bottom of the hill, realization had just set in that neither the boys, nor the girls FHC ski team would be advancing past the regional race.

“Unfortunately, last year we weren’t able to go any farther than regionals,” senior and captain of the ski team Ben Whitlow said.  “It was disappointing, especially for the girls, because they had come so close.”

As that season came to a close, thoughts of the 2016 season started to form.  In nine short months, snow would be covering the ground again, and racing would begin.

With the start of that new season, captains Dan Tiggleman, Ben Whitlow, Lauren Coates, and Katie Knister have been given the responsibility to lead this seasons’ team. All having been on the team for previous seasons, their experience will be crucial in the long run.

Graduating key seniors on both the boys and the girls side of the team, this year’s revamped FHC ski team is looking to improve and be competitive in every race by making up for those gone.

On the girls side, graduating Kelsey Lefley was a big loss coming into the 2016 season. With her absence, freshmen Kayley Reynolds and Courtney Mcalindon will have big shoes to fill, as great things are expected from each of them.  On the boys side of the roster, losses were suffered as well, graduating both Eric Krejci and Keaton Averill.

“We’ll also be missing sophomore Ben Finkelstein this season,” Whitlow said. “He’s our number one skier on the guys side, but unfortunately he’s injured at the moment.”

There had been high expectations for Finkelstein, as he was projected to advance far,  possibly making it to states.

After having lost at regionals last year, both the boys and the girls will be looking to start over, striving for perfection.

Finishing just short of qualifying for state, the girls team has high hopes as the 2016 season begins. With numerous skiers returning, the girls side of the roster is looking to have a repeat of the previous season, only this time, advancing farther.

“The girls team is expected to do very well this year,” Coates said. “We definitely have a very good shot at qualifying for state as a team this season.”

On the boys side, they are looking to gain experience and return the program to a winner once again.

“Two years ago, we qualified for state.” Tiggleman said. “This season we’re looking to improve each and every meet, hopefully picking up some momentum along the way, heading into the final stretch.”

With high expectations for the girls, and the boys striving to return the program to its once winning ways, the 2016 season is expected to provide lots of excitement.

“Together as a team we have some very capable skiers,” Whitlow said.  “I’m excited to jump into the season, and see what it has in store for us.”