‘The Little Mermaid’ Leading Role Snatched by a Freshman

'The Little Mermaid' Leading Role Snatched by a Freshman

“Even if you don’t think you’re good at something, you might be,” said freshman Nathan Jenkins on what being in the musical has taught him.  

Jenkins is going into the second semester of his first year in high school, but now with an exciting new experience to boast about.  He has just received the part of Flounder in this year’s FHC musical, The Little Mermaid which is one of the male leads. Jenkins described that being a part of the theater department is a wonderful experience.

“You get to meet new people and explore the abilities you have,” Jenkins said.

Jenkins said he was very excited when he found out he had received the part of Flounder, but at the same time it made him “kind of nervous” being a freshman with a leading role.  

There were a few other freshmen who also auditioned for the role he received, but according to senior Patrick Jarvis, it was an easy decision for FHC theater director, Robin DeMeester, to cast Jenkins as Flounder.

“I’m sure it was a no brainer for Mrs. DeMeester, because he really blew everyone away with his audition,” Jarvis said. “It’s pretty cool to have a freshman in a large part, though, as it gets underclassmen involved in theater.”

Jenkins believes that being a freshman with a leading role puts a lot of pressure on him to “do well.”

Fellow castmate Evan Kuiper comments that he was “very impressed” with Jenkins’ ability to jump right into the theater department, especially as a freshman. Kuiper further notes that he “expects big things from [Jenkins].”

Jenkins was one of a few freshmen to try out for the musical.  When asked why he decided to audition, he simply said that “his sisters were pressing him.” He even had to convince one of his friends, freshman Mitch Bonner, to also try out.  

Jarvis notes the hard work and dedication Jenkins is applying to his rehearsals.

“He’s working so hard on his part, even harder than the rest of us,” Jarvis said. “He is a great guy and I expect he will steal the show come opening night.”

Jenkins said that he has really enjoyed being apart of the musical thus far, even if he has had to miss a few hockey practices due to timing conflicts with homework.  Being a leading role carries a lot of responsibility as Jenkins has discovered.

“I have a good amount of lines and have been working very hard to memorize them,” Jenkins said.  

He has enjoyed being a part of the theater department and has great respect for Mrs. DeMeester, noting that she “seems intimidating but isn’t.” Demeester has a very unique and special personality, and Jenkins said that she is “nice and energetic.” 

“Nathan has fit right into the ebb and flow of the theater department,” Kuiper said. “Coming into your first FHC show as a big part is a daunting task but Nathan has managed his time well and handled the situation better than one could have imagine.”