Humans of FHC: Steve Labenz

Processed with VSCO with l4 preset

“I was selling advertising for GRD. There had been a really bad snow storm the night before, [but we] didn’t have a snow day [because of] that so I was out selling. It had warmed up during the day, so the road had frozen. Precipitation was melting off of the overpass on 96 and the Beltline. I entered 96 from there, and I could feel that my tires weren’t contacting the road. My car started to spin as I was getting onto the freeway, and it spun and it spun and all of a sudden, I was seeing myself from outside. I was outside of the car, and I saw myself holding onto the steering wheel. I looked up, and there was a figure on top of the car, like spread eagle with a robe.

[The figure] has long, grayish-reddish hair, beard–the whole thing. [Then], I was back in the car, and the car spun all the way to the side of the road facing the correct direction. I mean, I missed everybody. When I was getting on the freeway, I was like, ‘Boy, the traffic’s really light,’ and that’s right when I lost traction, spun, spun, spun, spun all the way to the side of the road and just stopped. I’d like to think it was a guardian angel. I mean, it’s the only time I’ve ever had anything like that happen.”
