Ginza Sushi and Ramen Bar is fast, friendly, and not far from home

More stories from Olivia Luplow
The ever-expanding plethora of restaurants in Grand Rapids is littered with sushi bars, burger joints, ice cream shops, and places that specialize in foods that many haven’t even heard of before. Many of them, according to most locals, supply customers with a satisfactory experience in regards to taste, atmosphere, and location. Ginza Sushi and Ramen Bar is by no means an exception.
Located on Michigan Street in Downtown Grand Rapids, Ginza just recently opened, and business is already booming. Their interior design is impeccable, and the multitude of windows that surround the three walls make the somewhat small space feel open and spacious.
The dining area is home to a combination of many different types of people. Hipsters, families, groups of friends, and what seem to be awkward first dates covered the almost-filled dining room. My expectation before entering was a very long wait ahead of me. I was pleasantly surprised, however, when my group was seated right away without hesitation.
In line with the modern interior design, the music makes for perfect background noise. Restaurant music, in my experience, is a tricky feat. Either it’s too loud and leads to somewhat shouted conversations, or it’s being played so softly that it’s as if it’s barely there at all.
Ginza, though, has a perfectly tuned playlist that fit the feel of the space very well. The speakers are just loud enough to be comfortable while also masking other people’s conversations.
In addition to this, their menu is packed with a large variety of choices. The food spans from poke bowls, ramen, and pho to sushi, hibachi, and bento boxes. Although, true to most sushi restaurants, there is a lot of fish on the menu, Ginza does offer vegetarian options as well.
For those over 21, though, Ginza does not have it all. Due to the fact that they are relatively new to Grand Rapids, their liquor license has not processed yet. So, if you’re someone who feels that a glass of wine is vital to your sushi-eating experience, then this place may not be the right choice for you.
The service, however, could definitely make up for this minute flaw. From the time I arrived to the time I left, the entire experience totaled at one hour, and the span between the time I ordered to the time my mouth-watering plate of sushi arrived was an impressive ten minutes. In prior experiences with other restaurants, it tends to be a common theme that sushi takes a tad bit longer to be prepared. In the end, though, the wait usually proves to be worth it when the waiter arrives with a platter full of edible rice and seaweed-filled art.
Along with the service, yet another impeccable feature of Ginza is their ability to produce a range of delicious, authentic food. Although I was only able to try the ramen and three of the sushi rolls while I was there, both of these items held up to high standards.
High standards, though, also come with a price. I would not say that their prices are unreasonable for the quality, as well as the type of food that they serve; however, Ginza is definitely not a cheap place to eat. Ranging from prices of five to seven dollars, classic sushi rolls and a soup or salad are the most budget-friendly option on the menu. While specialty rolls, noodle bowls, and hibachi rest on the more expensive side of things.
This is combatted, however, with their combo options. The lunch and dinner combos allow customers to order multiple sushi rolls at once or at a discounted price. This can be a good option for people looking to enjoy Ginza’s plethora of sushi and fish options but who are more hesitant about the price.
Ginza Sushi and Ramen Bar lives up to its name. The easygoing atmosphere created by thoughtful music, interior decorating, and use of space works with the large selection of dinner and lunch options and fast service to produce a more than pleasant experience for customers.

Olivia Luplow is a senior and is entering her second year on The Central Trend as a staff writer. This year, she has taken over the position of Public...