Katelyn Johnson– Senior Class President
Name: Katelyn Johnson
Current Grade: 11th
Running for: Senior Class President
Q: Why are you running for President?
A: I am running for president because this year was my first year on student council and I enjoyed it a lot. This year, I think my position on student council allowed me to get to know and communicate with people that I usually wouldn’t, and I think being president will allow me to do that even more. Also, I loved being involved in everything and making decisions for the class.
Q: Did you run for anything in previous years?
A: Yes, treasurer junior year.
Q: What impact would you like to have on FHC?
A: I would like to really change the feel of our class. Although this past year we made a lot of improvement, I really want our grade to be able to come together for our last year together. In general, I want our grade to leave a lasting memory on our high school and be an example to all of the underclassmen
Q: What separates you from the other candidates?
A: I am very open to new ideas and multiple opinions, and I also try to socialize with people in all groups of our grade instead of limiting myself. It is very important to me to be an approachable person so that everyone feels like they can have a part in any activities, especially for our senior year.
Q: What would you like to change the most?
A: I would like to change the feel of our grade the most. I think that we really have the ability to become so much closer and work together as a grade. Watching the seniors this past year it was really awesome how they all had a sense of camaraderie, and I really want our grade to feel like that, too.
Q: What other things are you involved in at FHC?
A: Other than student council, I am involved in NHS, yearbook, and dance team.
Q: What motivated you to run?
A: What motivated me to run was watching the past seniors and seeing all that they accomplished because of their teamwork. What also made me run was the realization that next year is our last year together, and I want everyone to have the most memorable senior year possible.
Q: What is the most valuable characteristic within yourself that will help you run?
A: I think my most valuable characteristics would be that I am social and motivated.
Q: What teacher has influenced you the most during high school?
A: The teacher that has influenced me most in high school has been Madame VanHouten. I have had madame for almost 4 full years now, and her class and her work ethic has always pushed me to work very hard and helped make me so motivated today. She has always been very encouraging and reminds us to look back and see how far we have come.

Rene is entering her second year on staff and was given the role of being Managing Editor. Rene's favorite style of writing is columns and reviews....